小学英语_《She had eggs and sausages》教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

小学英语_《She had eggs and sausages》教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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教学设计 一、教学目标? (一)知识目标:? 1.?听懂会说单词egg?email?sandwich?traditional?delicious?? 2.?能够听懂、会说目标语句:?What?did?she?have?for?lunch??并能口头运用She?had?sandwiches?这类语句回答有关询问。??? (二)技能目标:? 1.?学生能够在创设的情景中对别人吃过什么进行较流畅的问询和回答。??? ?2.能够能灵活运用功能语句在真实的生活情景中调查并转述别人的饮食习惯。? (三)情感目标:? 1.学生在多种教学资源中体验和感受英国饮食文化,激发学生探究的兴趣;? 2.学生能够在看、听、想、说、写中发展多元智能,养成认真倾听的好习惯,并在小组讨论交流汇报中体验合作竞争的带来的收获与快乐。? 二、教学重难点? 能在真实情境中熟练运用目标语句:What?did?she?have?for? breakfast/lunch/dinner? She had… 三、教具?:?PPT,?word?cards.? 四、教学过程? 一、warm-up:(热身) 1、Greetings 2、Look and say show some pictures of food (rice meat noodles bread milk eggs fish)T:so many delicious food.教授单词delicious 3、Free talk T:what is your favourite food? Ss: My favourite food is... Leading in (导入) 1、work in groups and talk about your favourite food.(4 in groups) 2、Show in groups. T:My favourite food is eggs and noodles.so I had eggs and noodles for breakfast.引出单词并教授breakfast,贴到黑板上。 3、Free talk T:What did you have for breakfast?Ss: I had... 三、Passage study:(课文学习) 1、use PPT to show the pictures of the text. T: look ,Daming has got an email from Lingling. What is the email about?学习单词email please listen and answer. show p1 and underline the sentences.and let pupils read it. T:Yesterday Lingling had an English food.what did she have for breakfast/lunch?学习单词lunch,贴到黑板上。Watch and answer. A:What did she have for breakfast?引出句型 she had eggs and sausages。出示香肠的图片学习。 B:What did she have for lunch?引出sandwiches学习,show p2,p3 let pupils underline and read them. C:read and choose, What did she have for dinner?学习单词dinner并贴到黑板上。引出she had fish and chips。出示炸鱼加炸薯片的图片T:it is a traditional English dish.学习单词 traditional和dish.出示三明治,汉堡包,香肠,炸鱼加炸薯条的图片让学生了解它们是传统的英国菜。 show p4 underline and read the sentences. Read and imitate. Show in pairs. 四、practise练习 1、look and say 看图说,复习本节课的重点句型。 2、Work in pairs ask and answer.use the sentences What did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday? I had... 五、情感教育 Chinese food:出示中国食物的图片并说 :They are very delicious. English food:出示英国食物图片并说:They are delicious to


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