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摘要 我国酒店业起步较晚但发展很快,该行业竞争口益激烈,国外的管理经验丰富,体 制日益完善。加入WTO后,外国酒店业的进入对国内酒店业造成很大的冲击,酒店Z 间的竞争,是产品的竞争、技术的竞争、质量的竞争、价格竞争、管理的竞争。但归根 到底是人才的竞争,为了在竞争发展中立于不败Z地,必须注重人才的培养。 员工培训作为提高员T素质、饭店服务水平和对外竞争力的重耍手段已为众多的酒 店管理者所接受,各种类型的酒店培训工作开展起来,但由于其中存在的种种问题,最 终是培训效果却与管理者的预期相距甚远,解决这些问题已刻不容缓。本文以沈阳碧桂 园玛丽蒂姆酒店为研究对彖,首先介绍了企业概况,其次是对基本理论的介绍,然后本 文通过调查法和访谈法了解了人和酒店员T培训体系的问题。发现员工培训的主耍问题 有:培训投入少、体系不完善、注重基层的培训而轻高层管理者、注重形式而忽视效果 并且缺乏创新性。 关键词:酒店;员工培训;问题 Abstract The Hotel Industry of china Late start but develops rapidly .The industry in an increasingly competitive, Foreign management experience, growing perfect system, after joining the WTO, foreign hotel industry into the domestic hotel industry a big impact, The competition among hotels, is the product of competition, technological competition, the quality of competition, price competition, management of the competition,.bul the final analysis, talent competition, In order to remain invincible in the competition and development, Must pay attention to the cultivation of talents . Staff training to improve staff quality, hotel services and external competitiveness of the important means for a variety of hotel managers accepted by all types of hotels and training work being carried out, but because of the existence of various problems, the final training Results are expected with the managers of a far cry from, these issues have been resolved without delay.According to the Shenyang Shenyang Biguiyuan Mary Tim Hotel as the research background. Firstly, this paper introduces the outline of enterprise, second is the basic theory is introduced, and then through the method to understand the causes of burnout and corporate. Found that the main reason for job burnout: employee training low , less input, system is not perfect, pay attention to the basic training and light top management, pay attention to the form of neglect and lack of innovation. Key words: hotel; Staff training; problem TOC \o 1-5 \h \z HYPERLINK \l bookmark0摘要 I HYPERLINK \l bookmark2Abstract I


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