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Secti on II The Lan guage Points of Readi ng 课时作业(一) i 完形填空 Listen to how a simple ball of yarn ( 毛线)became a web of love for one class of high school stude nts. Their teacher seated the students in a __1__ on the floor. One member of the group was _2__ to toss (扔)a ball of yarn to some one across the circle, ___3__ one end tightly. The recipie nt ( 接受者)took hold of the stri ng and __4__ as the one who tossed it __5__ something that he or she especially _6__ about him/her. Keeping hold of the stri ng, the recipie nt __7__ tossed the ball across the circle to some one else and said something __8__ about him/her. The ball of yarn was tossed across and around the circle un til every one had both heard and shared __9__. And thus the yarn became a wove n web of love and good __10__. _ Before they went their separate ways, the teacher took scissors and __11__ _ through the web. Each pers on took a piece of yarn away as a remembra nee ( 纪念)of the __12__ words they heard. __13_ _ , many of them wore cherished pieces of yarn __14__ their wrists for days and weeks afterward. Every year now, stude nts __15 their teacher to end the term with the Web of Love. It has become an ann ual __16__ in their high school, which goes to show how much en courageme nt __17__ to most people. Why wait? We can find __18 to praise others throughout the day. Few people grow weary of heari ng sin cere __19「 and praise. And each time you give it you help to create an __20 _ web of love that can last a lifetime. 篇章导读:本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。 老师让孩子们玩丢毛线球的游戏, 游戏规则令每个 孩子都受到了激励。作者以此劝告大家时刻找机会给予别人赞美,表达关爱。 A.queue B . square line D . circle 答案:D 从下文中的One member of the group was _ 2__ to toss ( 扔)a ball of yarn to some one across the circle ”可知,老师让学生围成一个圆圈 (circle) 。 A.instructed B . advised C. forced D . planned 答案:A根据语境,老师指导一个孩子把毛线球扔给另外一个孩子。 in struct “教授, 指导”,符合语境。 A.dragging B . pushing C. holding D . pulling 答案: C 从下文中的“ Keeping hold of the string ”可知,孩子在扔毛线球的同时 要紧紧握住 (holding) 线的一端。 4. A.smiled B . listened C. tal


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