物流毕业论文 珠海工业园伟创力集团的采购管理分析.doc

物流毕业论文 珠海工业园伟创力集团的采购管理分析.doc

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PAGE 0 桂林理工大学成人高等教育 毕业设计(论文) 学生姓名 方泽任 学号 030107203053 课题名称 珠海工业园伟创力集团的采购管理分析 专业(方向) 物流管理 年级 07级一班 学习形式 自学考试 层次 本科 指导教师: 李隽波 职称: 副教授 教学单位: 现代教育技术中心 成人教育学院印制 二〇一一年四月 摘要 伴随世界经济发展,竞争也日益激烈。由于各种高科技在企业中不断应用,生产率已被提高到了相当高的程度,制造加工过程本身的技术手段对提高整个产品竞争力的潜力开始变小,为了进一步降低产品成本和满足客户需要,企业开始将目光从生产过程转向采购管理。采购管理成功与否直接影响企业生产经营和最终利润,关系到企业的核心竞争力和发展潜能。加强采购管理,是企业降低成本的关键环节,是保证产品质量的重要手段,是提高企业效率的必要前提,是增强企业核心竞争力的重要途径。 本文首先对采购管理进行文献综述、简述本文研究目的与意义、研究内容、研究思路和研究方法。阐述采购管理的定义、目标、分类、作用和意义。 对珠海工业园伟创力集团进行简明介绍,了解伟创力集团的采购管理应用,分析伟创力集团的采购管理存在的问题。 建议伟创力集团在采购管理上的改善措施。 关键词:采购管理;采购策略;采购流程;供应商管理;物资库存管理 Abstract Along with the development of the world economy, competition also increasingly fierce. Because all sorts of high-tech in enterprise in the continuous application, productivity has been increased to very high degree, manufacturing process itself to enhance technical means of the whole product competitive potentials begin to become smaller, in order to further reduce the cost of product and meet customer requirement, the enterprise will start production process to eyes from purchasing management. Purchasing management success directly affects the production and operation of enterprises and ultimate profit, relationship to the core competitiveness of the enterprise and the development potential. Strengthened purchase management, is the enterprise lower the cost of key link, is to guarantee the quality of the product is the important means of improving the necessary premise of enterprise efficiency, it is to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises an important way. First, this paper firstly purchasing management literature review briefly in this paper, the purpose and significance, research contents, the research idea and research methods. Elaborated the definition, purchasing management goal, classification, function and meaning. Second, zhuhai park of flextronics group concise introduction, understand flextronics group purchasing


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