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摘 要 当今世界,伴随中国社会经济情况飞速发展,而大家对于科技文化产品需求也有了不停提升,尤其当今科学技术已经在大家日常生活中占据了很关键位置和重大作用。本团膳系统就是在快速发展科学技术背景之下产生一个产品,该团膳系统采取了Visual Studio 软件开发工具、能够进行快速开发C#编程语言和Winform窗体应用和大型关系型数据库SQL Server ,实现了和用户交互友好可视化界面。 该团膳系统关键是用于用户在对应餐时进行点餐,分为六个大模块:登录模块、系统应用、系统维护、报表查询、系统工具和系统帮助、关机。其中系统应用和系统维护是该系统最为关键两个模块。 (1)登录模块包含一般用户登录和管理员登录。 (2)系统应用模块中包含:点菜(关键功效)、系统设置、充值功效、用户满意度提交、锁屏等五个小模块。其中充值功效是管理员所特有功效模块。 (3)系统维护模块包含数据库文件备份和数据库、菜谱更新。 (4)报表查询模块包含用户信息查询、用户充值统计查询和用户消费明细查询、满意度调查查询。 (5)系统工具和系统帮助模块是辅助功效模块 (6)关机模块包含关闭计算机、退出系统、注销等辅助功效。 关键词: 团膳,点菜,查询,Winform窗体 ABSTRACT In todays world, with the rapid development of Chinas social and economic status, and the science and technology culture product demand is also increasing, especially in todays science and technology has been in the people daily life occupies a very important position and role. A product of the group meal system is produced under the background of rapid development of science and technology, the group meal system adopts the Visual Studio software development tools, capable of C# programming language and Winform forms application of rapid development and large-scale relational database SQL Server , to achieve a friendly visual interface and user interaction. The group meal system is mainly used for users to order food in the meal, is divided into six modules: login module, system application, system maintenance, report query, system tools and system help, shutdown. The system application and system maintenance is the most important of the two modules of the system. the login module including the login user login and administrator. including the system application module: a la carte (core), system settings, recharge function, user satisfaction, the lock screen submitted five small module. The value function is the specific function of administrator. the system maintenance module includes a database backup and database, the update menu. (4) report query module includes user information query, user charging record query and user consumption i


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