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Warming-up Watch a flash about London. Skim the passage and find out “ What is the passage about?” Scan the passage and choose the answer . Skim the passage and choose the answer . Mark the places on the map. 1.National Gallery 2.London Eye 3.Tower of London 4.Houses of Parliament 5.Buckingham Palace Read the tour of London and fill in the blanks. Self-assessments 作者信息 作者:郭雪怡 地址:广东省惠东县大岭镇沙梨园工业区 大岭中心学校初中部 联系电话邮编:516321 工作单位:广东省惠东县大岭中心学校初中部 * * * Unit 2 The London Eye is on your right. 自能学习 知识拓展 学习探究 延伸拓展 自我评价 课文导学 Tower Bridge Big Ben Buckingham Palace Do you know which city we’ll talk about? Play a game: See who can say out the names of the places the most quickly. (看谁能最快说出图片中的地名) Say which places you can see in the photos. London Eye Tower Bridge Big Ben London Can you tell us the other famous places in London? the National Gallery (国家美术馆) the House of Parliament (国会大厦) Tower of London Match the words with the pictures. bridge; church; museum; palace; store; tower museum church store palace bridge tower See who can find it out the most quickly? Tour of London! (伦敦之旅) 相信自己,你一定能行 ! 快速浏览课文内容 选择正确答案。 1.The National Gallery is the square. A.in B.opposite C.along 2.How high does it take you above the River Thames from the London Eye? A.135 metres B.153 metres C. 133 metres 3.If I ’m tired,what way is the best to see London? A.By car B.By bus C.By boat 4.The Tower of London is the bridge. A.Opposite B.next to C.on 5. What can’t I buy in the market? A.Fruit and vegetables B.Fruit C.Vegetables 快速浏览课文内容选择正确答案。(相信自己,你一定能行 ! ) 1.Big Ben 2. Buckingham Palace 4. London Eye d. a museum of lots of paintings a. the Queen lives here b. It can take you 135m above River Thames 3. National Gallery c. a famous big clock in the world Match the places with the explanation. 连接相关信息。(看谁做得又快又好) the square Read paragraph 1,fill in the blanks The square is ____________________ of London . _________


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