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【精品】 Unit 3 Asking the way Story time (练习 )译林版 (三起 ) 五年级英语下 一、翻译词组或句子。 1.到达你家  ____________________  2.乘地铁 _______________________ 3.下公交车  _____________________  4.步行到月亮街  _______________________ 5.在它旁边  _____________________  6.从  ......出来 _____________________ 7.在街道上  _____________________  8.向 ......寻求帮助  _____________________ 9.打扰一下。  _____________________  10.问路 _____________________ 在交通灯处右转。 _______________________________________ 我怎样去你家? __________________________________________ 你可以乘地铁。 __________________________________________ 沿着这条街走。 __________________________________________ 15.你可以看见书店在你右边。 ______________________________ 二、看图补全对话。 1. Yang  Ling wants to visit Su Hai ’ news home. Yang Su  Ling:How do I _______ _________your home, Su Hai? Hai:You can _______ the metro. You can ________ ________ the _______Park Station and  metro _______ _______ ________City Library  Station. Then, ______ My home is  ______Moon Street . There _________ ________it.  ’ s a bookshop _______ the street. Yang  Ling:All right. 2. Yang  Ling  comes  _______ _________ City Library Station.She is ______ Sun Street. She cannot find the bookshop.She _______ a policeman ________ help. Yang Ling : Excuse me, how do I _______ _______ the bookshop _______ Moon Street? Policeman:_______ ________ this street.________ _______ at the traffic lights. Then, go along Moon Street.You can see the bookshop ________ _________ _________. Yang Ling:Thank you. 三、阅读判断,正确写 T ,错误写 F。 A man:Excuse me, how can I get to Beijing Station? Franks:Go along this street. Turn right at the first crossing and Beijing Station is on your right. A man:Wait a moment. Go along this street, and Beijing Station is on my right. Franks:That ’ s right. A man: I want to go to the History Museum,too. Where is it? Franks:It ’ s on Renming Road. You can take bus No.1. A man:Thank you very much. Franks:Not at all. ( ) 1. Franks doesn ’ t know the way to Beijing Station. ( ) 2. The man wants to know th


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