小学英语_鲁科版三年级下册Unit 4 Lesson1 We have a big living room.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

小学英语_鲁科版三年级下册Unit 4 Lesson1 We have a big living room.教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思.doc

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小学英语三年级下册 Unit 4 Home Lesson 1 We have a big living room. 教学设计 【教学内容】(P26) 【教学目标】 1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词:welcome, home, we, beautiful, living room, dining room, bedrooms 2. 能听懂、会说、认读并运用句型:“We have a big living room.” 3. 能运用所学句型描述自己家庭的房间,培养学生热爱自己家庭的意识等 【教学重难点】 1. 重点:能听懂、会说、认读living room, dining room, bedroom并灵活运用句型:“We have a big living room.” 看懂和理解Read and write部分的短文,并能独立完成该部分的题目。 2. 难点:单词的发音及运用。 【评价方式】凡是上课积极回答的个人或小组都为本小组赢得一分 【教具准备】 教学课件,单词卡,头饰,图画卡片等。 【课前准备】:T: Before class,We divided into 8 groups,if you did a good job, you will get 1 point for your group.At last .let’s look.Which group is the winner of this class. I felt your confidence deeply.so every group will get 1 point.So everybody try your best,OK? Class begins. 设计意图:课前分好小组,明确评价方式,为同学们上课提供了学习动力,增强小组合作意识及集体荣誉感。 【教学过程】: 【Step1 warm-up】 1、Greetings 2、板书课题后let’s chant. Say and do the actions with the video. Go to the living room. Watch TV. Go to the kitchen. Have some chicken. Go to the bedroom. Have a nice dream. 【设计意图】:播放chant,师生共同边说边做,既为学生创造了一个轻松愉悦的学习氛围,又为学习新知做了较好的铺垫。 3、Free talk T: (鼓励:Wonderful!). 【Step 2 预习检测】 课前自主检查: T:Yesterday we prepared for this new lesson,Now ,I’ll check you ,turn to page 26,prepre your pen . Task 1: listen and circle Task 2: listen and number(number the words you circle. 【Step 3新知呈现】 T:Look at thc screen ,who are they? S :Jenny and Danny. T: They are our good friends.Now we are having English class.Where are they?Let’s watch the vedio. 任务1、看视频,回答问题。Where are they?? Question: Where are they? At Li Mings home . B. At Jenny s home. 通过答案A引出单词“home ”的学习,出示图片,并跟读两遍,引导学生说句子。 二听二看文本: T:We all know Jenny and Danny come to Li Ming’s home .As a house owner , 提问问题: Q1:What does Li Ming say? Q2:What does Jenny say? Let’s watch again. 通过学生的回答引出本课的重点单词及句子。 Welcome to my new home.跟读两遍,并板书单词welcome,由此句适时地对学生进行情感教育,What do you think of Li Ming ? Ss:他很热情,他很有礼貌。 T:When your guests come to your home,as a house owner ,what should you do? Ss:给他们端水;给他们倒荼,出门送客等。 学习beautiful: When Li Ming says: Welco


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