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摘 要 互联网金融近年来的发展,推动利率市场化发展的同时极大地推动金融市场创新,长尾的客户群体被充分开发及覆盖。这对于银行业而言是很有利的补充。但是,互联网企业发展的P2P平台、各种商业众筹模式以及各类“宝宝类”理财产品的出现,对于银行的存贷业务以及中间结算业务产生很大的冲击。本文将以建设银行为实例,深入分析互联网金融的发展对于商业银行盈利能力的影响。 首先,本文从互联网金融的发展入手,阐述了互联网金融的兴起和现状。随后,本文对互联网金融和传统银行业进行了对比,剖析了两者在业务上确实存在竞争关系。紧接着,本文以建设银行为实例,揭示互联网金融与建设银行在业务上的竞争以及由此带来的影响,同时进一步分析互联网金融带来的溢出效应以及建设银行在技术和理念上的转变。进行了理论分析之后,本文采用VAR模型,实证检验了互联网金融在长期和短期对于建设银行盈利能力的影响。最后提出了一些对策和建议。 本文通过分析发现,总的来看,互联网金融对于建设银行的盈利能力是竞争效应更强的,在短期内产生了较大的冲击。但从长期来看,互联网金融的发展对建行盈利能力的影响并不明显,相反,建行盈利能力的增强在长期中能促进互联网金融。 关键词:互联网金融;建设银行;盈利能力;VAR模型 Abstract The development of Internet finance in recent years has promoted the development of interest rate marketization while greatly promoting financial market innovation. The long tail customer group has been fully developed and covered. This is a very beneficial supplement for the banking industry. However, the emergence of P2P platforms developed by Internet companies, various commercial crowdfunding models, and the emergence of various "baby" wealth management products have had a great impact on the bank's deposit and loan business and intermediate settlement business. This paper will analyze the impact of the development of Internet finance on the profitability of commercial banks, and take the construction bank as an example for in-depth analysis. First of all, this paper starts with the development of Internet finance, expounds the rise and status quo of Internet finance. Subsequently, this paper compares Internet finance with traditional banking, and analyzes the impact and impact of Internet finance on traditional banking. Then, this article takes CCB as an example to reveal the competition between Internet finance and CCB and the impact it brings. At the same time, it further analyzes the spillover effect brought by Internet finance and the transformation of CCB in technology and concept. After theoretical analysis, this paper uses the VAR model and uses the data from 2009 to 2017 as a sample to empirically test the impact of Internet


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