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株洲市二中2013 株洲市二中2013届高三英语备课组 Jan. 18th Practice makes perfect. Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧) PAGE # 湖南省高考完形填空(Part B)专题复习研讨 Han dout for senior three stude nts Leaning objectives Generalize the main testing points of cloze test n . Build skills to complete the cloze test n and express ideas about doing it well. Give some advice on how to get along with others happily. Learning procedures Step 1 Preview prese nti ng Present the main testing points of cloze test I and express ideas about how to do it well. Step 2 Skills buildi ng Complete the followi ng passage by filli ng in each bla nk with one word that best fits the con text. There are many reas ons why tee nagers feel an xious. Of all of them, Teen agers probably feel the most an xious about school. They may also feel an xious about their relati on ships 48 their pare nts. Teenagers also feel anxious about their future. They don 49 t know they can get into university. They also think a lot what career they want to have. When tee nagers feel an xious, 50 might sleep too much or eat too much. We know that the tee nage years are a time of great cha nge. 51 best way to deal with an xiety is to talk to an adult 52 you trust. If you are an xious about your future, try to find out 53 your in terests are. There is a lot of in formati on on the Internet about uni versities and careers is not a good idea to watch too much movie 55 sleep too much to han dle anxiety.(说明:文章根据旧版《牛津高中英语》模块六第 114页Part B。) Step 3 Capability stre ngthe ning Complete the followi ng passage by filli ng in each bla nk with one word that best fits the con text. I feel caught betwee n my pare nts, my basketball coach and myself. I have always bee n an average stude nt. My pare nts feel that I n eed to spe nd more time improvi ng my grades so I can go 48 a good university. They make me feel like I ' 4m a bad sonI don ' t focus on what they think is best for me. For the past few years, I have been playing for the city basketball team. I 50 ' m outsta


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