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丹麦养猪工业面面观;Danish Meat Association 丹麦肉食协会;The tasks of DMA 丹麦肉食协会的任务;Lande;Leading pigmeat exporters 猪肉出口领先国家;Domestic consumption and exports of Danish pork 丹麦猪肉内销和出口;;丹麦养猪工业面面观;Meat Percentage Payment System 按瘦肉率为标准的定价体系;The pig prices week no.?32,?2006 2006年第32周生猪价格;Levy and membership fee 屠宰税和会员费;Export of pigmeat products 丹麦猪肉食品出口比例;Danish Export of live Pigs 丹麦活猪出口;The Pig Production Economy 养猪经济;Pig producers in Denmark 丹麦的猪生产者;Pig production in Denmark 丹麦生猪出栏量;Environmental restrictions 环保限制;Animal welfare regulations in Denmark 丹麦动物福利法规;Food safety 食品安全;Industry structure 生猪屠宰业的结构;丹麦养猪工业面面观;Competitive analysis 竞争力分析;The Danish model 丹麦养猪生产的模式 ;Organisation; Danish Bacon and Meat Council 组织机构:丹麦熏肉和肉食品委员会;DanBred Int. Export by Truck Using High Health Transportation 丹育国际采用高度健康汽车出口种猪;DanBred Int. export by Airplane 丹育国际采用飞机出口种猪;Sale of genetic material in Denmark 在丹麦种猪销售情况 ;Danish pig production 丹麦养猪生产;The Danish pig production 丹麦养猪生产;Pig production in Denmark 丹麦的生猪生产;Breeding Struture 繁育体系;Breeding structure 育种结构;Breeding Structure 育种结构;Danish pig breeds 丹麦猪品种;No. of breeders and sows 育种者数量和母猪存栏量;Breeding objective Landrace & Large White 长白和大白选种标准;Breeding objectives - Duroc + Hampshire 杜洛克和汉普夏猪的选种标准;Genetic progress, 2005 2005年的遗传进展;Productivity DanBred breeds 丹育种猪的生产性能;Test programme 测定程序;Statistical method 数据统计方法;Genetic improvement per year over the last 4 years 过去4年的年度遗传进展;Realized genetic improvement 实现的遗传进展;Number of piglets born per litter – genetic progress 窝产仔数的遗传进展;丹麦养猪工业面面观;Biotechnology, Danbred projects 生物技术,丹育项目;F4-resistance F4 抵抗力;F4-resistance F4抵抗力;More than 30 piglets weaned per sow per year?! 每头母猪每年断奶仔猪超过30头?!;The secrets of 30 piglets per sow 30头断奶仔猪/母猪/年的秘诀;Herd example 举例 ;丹麦养猪工业面面观;丹麦养猪工业面面观;Breeding objective, fertility 育种目标,繁殖力;Super sow – aim of study 超级母猪计划研究的目标;Super sow – recording phase 超级母猪计划----数据记录阶段;Super sow project 超级母猪计划;LP5 replaces TNB LP5替代窝产仔数;Meat quality 肉质;Meat Quality 肉质;;Sensory Quality of Fresh M


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