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Parts B2 & B3 Oh, no! So messy!Dopey(糊涂鬼)Doctor(万事通)Sleepy(瞌睡虫)Happy (开心果) Doctor(万事通), Sleepy(瞌睡虫), Happy (开心果), Dopey(糊涂鬼)这四个人游玩回来后把东西到处乱放 ,白雪公主很烦恼。Is this your hat, Happy?Yes, it is.My hat is orange.Is this your hat, Doctor?No, it isn’t.It’s Dopey’s hat.His hat is purple.Is this your hat, Sleepy?Oh! Yes!No, it isn’t.It’s your hat.Is this your raincoat, Dopey?No, it isn’t. It’s _______ rancoat.Sleepy’sSleepyCan you help Snow White?帮助白雪公主找到物品的主人。 :Is this your _______? : Yes, it is. It’s my ____. : No, it isnt. It’s _____’s _____ .Are these your beds?Yes, they are.Are these your money, Dopey?No, they aren’t.They are Doctor and Happy’s money. They are their money.Yes, they are our money.It’s their _______.白雪公主将整理房间的任务交给Dopey, 假如你是Dopey,你会怎么做? :Are these your _______? : Yes, they are. They are our ___. : No, they aren’t. They are their____.Please keep your room tidy!Listen and read!怎样才能识破坏皇后的诡计???第一步:练眼力第二步:试听力第三步:考脑力练眼力1 如果皇后想问这颗心是不是白雪公主的,该怎样问: Is this Snow White’s heart? Whose heart is this?2 你想问这是不是皇后的魔镜,你应该问:Is it the Queen’s mirror? B.Are these the Queen’s mirror?3 你想说这副太阳镜是你的,你应该说: They are you sunglasses. B. They are your sunglasses.试听力!(听录音,连线)考脑力皇后用魔法把小矮人的家弄得一团糟,请你帮助他们物归原处。Is this …?Yes, it is.No, it isn’t. …Are these …?Yes, they are.No, they aren’t. …Sum up:Today, we learned:Sentences: Is this your game? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. Are these your lunchboxes? Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.我们还学会了用英语描述自己的物品的特征。 Homework:1.读Unit 4 B2 三遍。2. 跟同伴做一个游戏:各自拿出自己的物品,互不告诉,把物品放在一个箱子里面,然后一件一件拿出,并猜测:Is this your / Lucy’s …? Are these your…?Oh, no! So messy!Dopey(糊涂鬼)Doctor(万事通)Sleepy(瞌睡虫)Happy (开心果) Doctor(万事通), Sleepy(瞌睡虫), Happy (开心果), Dopey(糊涂鬼)这四个人游玩回来后把东西到处乱放 ,白雪公主很烦恼。Please keep your room tidy!练眼力1 如果皇后想问这颗心是不是白雪公主的,该怎样问: Is this Snow White’s heart? Whose heart is this?2 你想问这是不是皇后的魔镜,你应该问:Is it the Queen’s mirror? B.Are these the Queen’s mirror?3 你想说这副太阳镜是你的,你应该说: They are you sunglasses. B. They are your sunglasses


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