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Other Questions How would you describe yourself? Sample excelle nt res pon se: My backgrou nd to date has bee n cen tered arou nd preparing myself to become the very best finan cial con sulta nt I can become. Let me tell you sp ecifically how Ive prep ared myself. I am an un dergraduate stude nt in finance and accou nting at Uni versity. My p ast exp erie nee has bee n in retail and higher educati on. Both asp ects have prep ared me well for this career. See also this p age of our Job In terviewi ng Tutorial What sp ecific goals, in clud ing those related to your occu pati on, have you established for your life? Sample excelle nt res pon se: I want to be work ing for an excelle nt company like yours in a job in which I am managing in formati on. I plan to con tribute my leadersh ip, interp ers on al, and tech ni cal skills. My lon g-ra nge career goal is to be the best in formati on systems tech ni cia n I can for the company I work for. See also this p age of our Job In terviewi ng Tutorial How has your college exp erie nee prep ared you for a bus in ess career? Sample excelle nt res pon se: I have prep ared myself to tran siti on into the work force through real-world exp erie nee in volv ing travel abroad, internship, and entrepren eurial opp ortu nities. While interning with a p rivate orga ni zati on in Ecuador, I devel oped a 15-p age market ing plan compo sed in Spanish that recomme nded more effective ways the company could p romote its services. I also traveled abroad on two other occasi ons in which I researched the in dige nous culture of the Maya n In dia ns in Todos San tos, Guatemala, and p artic ip ate din a total la nguage immersio n p rogram in Costa Rica. As you can see from my academic, extracurricular, and exp erie ntial backgrou nd, I have uncon diti on ally committed myself to success as a market ing pro fessi on al. See also this p age of our Job In terviewi ng Tutorial PI ease describe the ideal job for you followi ng graduati on. Samp le exc


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