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PAGE PAGE 20 维拓婴幼儿早教创业方案设计 摘 要 近年来,二孩政策的实施,促使我国的婴幼儿早期教育受到社会的普遍关注。无论是新生代的父母,抑或是“二孩”父母,他们都十分注重对孩子婴幼儿时期的教育。但是在婴幼儿早教机构发展的过程当中,仍然存在许多问题需要创业者去应对。 创业者通过文献分析法,比较分析法,对我国婴幼儿早教的现状以及存在的问题进行研究分析。基于我国现行的政治和经济现状,就婴幼儿早教提出创业方案。 本方案一共分为十部分:一、引言,主要阐述论文研究的目的和意义,研究现状,研究思路与方法。二、文献综述,对部分参考文献进行分析及总结出婴幼儿早教的现实问题。三、早教的创业环境分析,对国内的大环境政策和家长对早教机构选择分析。四、公司的产品与服务,对早教的产品进行定位并选择合适课程,根据客户需要进行定制服务等。五、公司的相关管理制度,组织框架结构,公司的理念,公司的人员管理制度。六、公司的营销策略,制定定价方案。七、公司的品牌形象与营销手段。八、财务分析和风险预测分析,创业预算,资金筹备与融资,创业风险分析。九、总结论述。 关键词:婴幼儿早教;早教;婴幼儿;创业;创业方案设计 Scheme design of infant early education Entrepreneurship Abstract In recent years, with the implementation of two-child policy, Chinese people are much more concerned about early infants education than before. No matter new generations’ parents or “two-child” parents, they pay much attention to early education of infants. However, there still have some questions in institutions of early infants education for entrepreneurs to deal with. The entrepreneur utilizes documentary analysis and comparative analysis to conduct a research about present situation and some questions of early infants education in China. Also, the entrepreneur comes up with a business project in this paper based on present political and economical situation. The project has ten parts together: 1. Introduction is to describe research goal and significance, research situation, framework and methods. 2. Literature review analyzes and concludes present questions of early infants education from some references. 3. The third part illustrates the importance of early infants education and the impact influence of early education on infants. 4. The fourth part analyzes the whole entrepreneurial environment and parents’ choice of early education institutions under Chinese policies. 5. This part explains products and service of the company, orients early education products and appropriate courses, and the company offers specialized service according to customer’s demands. 6. The sixth part states relevant manage


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