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高一英语下模块三Unit1 名师导学精选练习 Please forgive/excuse me for using your telephone without asking for permission. I thought you wouldnt mind. One of Tonys hobbies is collecting/gathering rare birds. Universities may be forced to think again about/ of courses they provide due to the new employment situation. 4. He gained/earned experience while working for the newspaper. 5. Who do you think will win/gain the next election? 6. Missing this train means to wait/waiting for another hour. 7. The old man lives a lonely/alone life in that lonely/alone mountain village 8. This drawing is determined/meant to show the different shares each company takes up in the market. 9. Dieting (节食) also means to be/ being careful about which foods you buy. 10. Unless these people get food in the next two weeks they will starve to die/death. 11. What a great shame it is that we still have hunger in this land of plenty/ independence 12. Tom got very angry when the other boys played a role/ trick on him. 13. The boy had no other choice but to apologize/apologize the woman for/ to breaking the window 14. The day everyone had been looking forward to came/coming at last. 15. Traditionally, people make cakes in memory of/ in the shape of chicken, duck, tortoise, pig, cow or sheep with rice flour to celebrate the festivals. 16. I am sure something better will turn up/ down, but nobody believes me 17. No one dare to say/say that to his face 18. —Father, you promised! —Well, so I did. But it was you who didn’t keep/hold your word first. 19. Could I have a word with you, mum? Oh dear, if you must/may. 20. Wipe/Make your face. Theres chocolate all around your mouth 21. He can hold/keep his breath under the water for five minutes 22. The children were having such a great fun/ so much fun. I hated to call them inside. 23. All the instructions are in large print to make them easy reading/to read. 24. Would you take this along to the office for me? With pleasure/Never mind 25 —Would you mind my c


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