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人物描写 本单元写作项目是描述一个有毅力的人物,属于人物描写的写作范畴。 [基本框架] 1.开头(beginning)——总体介绍 2.主体(body)——详细介绍 3.结尾(ending)——简要总结 [常用词块] 1.be keen on 喜欢…… 2.adapt himself to...使自己适应…… 3.have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难 4.be eager/thirty/dying to do sth.渴望做某事 5.gain reputation for获得……荣誉 6.have a talent/gift for...有……天赋 [常用语句] ★精彩开头 1.Allan Stewart,of Australian nationality,was born on March 7th,1915. 艾伦·斯图尔特,澳大利亚国籍,1915年3月7日 2.Born in 1911 in Shanghai,Qian Xuesen is one of the greatest scientists in the world. 钱学森,1911年生于上海,是世界上最伟大的科学家之一。 3.Born into a rich family in Shanghai on Nov. 4th,1933,Charles Kuen Kao showed great interest in doing different experiments during his childhood. 1933年11月4日出生于上海一个富裕的家庭, ★正文佳句 1.He is clever as well as friendly. 他既聪明又友好。 2.He is such an honest man that all think highly of him. 他是如此诚实的一个人,以至于所有人都高度评价他。 3.His modesty leaves us a deep impression. 他的谦虚给我们留下了深刻印象。 ★余味结尾 1.All in all,in my view,Yang has a good future considering his ability and faith. 总之,在我看来,考虑到他的能力和信念,杨有一个美好的未来。 2.Not only did she make great contributions to the world of science but she is regarded as the greatest woman scientist on account of what she did. 她不仅为科学界做出了巨大贡献,而且因为她的所作所为她被认为是最伟大的女科学家。 3.His scientific achievement has shaped the foundations of todays communication. 他的科学成就为今天的通信奠定了基础。 请根据以下信息,介绍一位热门人物。 姓 名:莫言(管谟业) 出生日期:1955年2月17日 出 生 地:山东省高密市一个穷苦人家 兴趣爱好:自幼喜欢阅读、书法(calligraphy) 性格特征:开朗、幽默 主要成就:2011年凭借《蛙》获中国最高文学奖“茅盾文学奖”; 2012年获诺贝尔文学奖(Nobel Prize in Literature)。 评 价:第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国作家,被誉为是对中国文学做出巨大贡献的作家之一。 【参考范文】 Born into a poor family in Gaomi,Shandong Province on February 17,1955,Mo Yan,whose original name is Guan Moye,showed great interest in reading and calligraphy in his early years. Whats more,not only is he outgoing but he also has a strong sense of humor.



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