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大学英语考试考前冲刺卷(1) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.By the end of the class, some students______ green food. A.have found B.will be finding C.will have found D.are finding 参考答案:C 本题旨在考查谓语动词时态的用法;by 意为“不迟于,到……为止”,通常要与完成时连用。由于本句的时间状语 by the end of this month 是表示“截止将来的某一时刻之前”的概念,因此谓语动词须用将来完成时,如: I shall have left by the time you return.等你回来时,我都已经走了。By the end of next year,they will have finished work on the new stadium.到明年年底,新体育场就会竣工,The railway will have been completed by the end of this month.那条铁路将于月底建成。由此可见,C是正确答案, 2.Indeed, almost every scientist now finds it is impossible to read all the works relevant to his own subject,______. extensively outside of it. A.much more to read B.much less to read C.much less reading D.still more reading 参考答案:B 此题考查由比较级构成的习语。首先可以确定应填项中应含有与题干中复合宾语的成分相对等的成分。因题干中谓语动词find 的真正宾语为to read...,所以选项中也应有不定式。因此可排除含有动名词reading 的C项和D项。A项中的 much more意为“更加:何况”,与题干语意相矛盾。B项 much less 意为“更不用说:更何况”,符合题意。 3.If you have really been studying English for so long, it s about time you __ able to write letters in English. A.should be B.were C.must be D.are 参考答案:B 句型 It is time that 后面的动词应使用过去时。 4.It s time ______about the noise pollution late at night. A.something will be done B.everything is done C.something was done D.everything will be done 参考答案:C Its (high) time+ that 从句这一句型要求从句的谓语动词用其过去式,意为“(早)该做……了”,暗含有些嫌迟了。 5.Could you just give me a hand Lets ______the car into motion; it got a flameout just now. A.shove B.nudge C.prompt D.poke 参考答案:A shove 推,nudge 用肘轻推,prompt 促使,poke 捅。 6.Sick ______she was, she has to prepare food for the whole family. A.although B.as C.because D.for 参考答案:B 此题考查让步状语从句。选项中只有A项although 和B项 as 可以引导状语从句,由于题干中从句为倒装语序,即表语位于句首,因此只能选B项。 7.Bob was completely ______ by the robber s disguise. A.taken away B.taken down C.taken to D.taken in 参考答案:D take in 欺骗。take away 拿走,使……离开。take down 拿下,记下。take to 开始,从事。 8.I don t doubt ______ he will come on time. A.whether B.which C.what D.that 参考答案:D


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