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宁夏MBA联考考试真题卷(9) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.A number of tourists____ received in Grand Hotel A.was B.is C.has D.are 参考答案:D 2.The captain is the only one of the players of the team_ _ practice regularly A.have attended B.who have attended C.who has attended D.who attended 参考答案:C 3.Two hours _ _ the limit of this rest A.re B.has been C.have been D.is 参考答案:D 4.A red rose, together with a letter, _ _ left on the table A.re B.was C.were D.are being 参考答案:B 5.Each of the people coming to the party _ _ bringing a present A.re B.is C., has D.have 参考答案:B 6.Neither Johns family nor his relative _ _ the special banquet A.ttends B.attend C.are attending D.attended 参考答案:D 7.Although the first chapter of the book appears easy; the rest_ _rather difficult A.is B.was C.are D.were 参考答案:C 8.The greater part of your mistakes _ _ through carelessness A.were making B.will make C.has been made D.were made 参考答案:D 9.Neither his knowledge nor his experience as an engineer_ _ him for his job A.have qualified B.are qualifying C.qualify D.qualifies 参考答案:D 10.Neither of the two candidates who had applied for admission to the Industrial Engineering Department _ _ eligible for scholarships A.were B.is C.was D.are 参考答案:C 11.What the Latin American people want____ their destiny into their hands A.is to take B.are to take C.is to be taking D.are to have taken 参考答案:A 12.The cause and effect _ _ for the time being A.re not found out B.have not been found out C.were not found out D.has not been found out 参考答案:D 13.Hard work and plain living____ characteristics of the working people A.is B.has been C.was D.are 参考答案:D 14.What they have done _ _ useful to the people A.re considered B.is considered C.have been considered D.will be considered 参考答案:B 15.Each of your teachers _ _ visited since you came here A.had B.have C.has D.has been 参考答案:D 16.While reading the newspaper, _ _ A.colorful advertisement caught my eyes B.my attention was attracte


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