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江苏大学英语考试考前冲刺卷(5) 本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。 严格遵守考试纪律,维护考试秩序! 一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.If the dollar continues to decline, which of the following would be a possible result A.Prices would fall. B.Importing would become expensive. C.Pressure of inflation would be lessened. D.Consumers would be more willing to borrow money from banks. 参考答案:B [点拨] 这个问题其实是常识问题,文章也有涉及。美元下跌,会引起价格上涨,通货膨胀压力增大,进口产品需要花费更大,同时由于消费者信心不足,银行借贷也必然受到影响。 2.What are the challenges of space exploration A.The challenge was developing rockets powerful enough and reliable enough to boost a satellite into orbit. B.The challenge was building the satellites themselves. C.Engineers also had to build tracking stations to maintain radio communications with these artificial moons as they circled the planet. D.The development of rockets and satellites. 参考答案:D [点拨] 根据在第二段,选D。 3.In the passage, the author wants to tell us ______. A.that people dreamed of leaving their home planet and exploring other worlds became reality B.after the Apollo program, the emphasis in piloted missions shifted to short-duration spaceflight C.space exploration is a great challenge to human beings and will be achieved through generations work D.today efforts focus on keeping people healthy during space missions and in increasing the cost of sending satellites into orbit 参考答案:C [点拨] 理解全文不难解答。 4.What have given mankind a new viewpoint on the earth and its neighbors in space A.Those explorations. B.The advance of new technologies. C.Spacecraft studies. D.Scientific discoveries. 参考答案:D [点拨] 答案在第一段,此问题是第一段最后一句,该段指出,技术进步导致的科学发现使人们对地球和其他星球的看法发生变化,选D。 5.From paragraph 4, we can deduce that______. A.the speed of computers is faster than ever B.scientists encounter unprecedented difficulties C.the intelligence of computers is more important than the speed D.there is much room for the improvement of computer intelligence 参考答案:D [点拨] 第四段讲了在计算机技术发展中,仍然存在很多问题和有待提高的领域,故选D。 6.When the author says that its not crazy to think abo


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