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VOLKSWAGEN Group China This chart shows the comparison of the fuel consumption between the Diesel Engine and the spark ignited gasoline engine. The compression ignited diesel engine has a fuel advantage of 25 to 30% compared to the gasoline engine. If you now turbocharge the Diesel and inject the fuel via direct injection, then this fuel advantage even increases to 40 - 45 %. And even if you compare the TDI with a direct injected gasoline engine, you still have the fuel advantage of 20 - 25 %. In other words, no engine can beat the low fuel consumption of the diesel. This makes the diesel a very attractive power train. Especially in the city driving mode, the diesel has the best advantages. Just to highlight this, we have done a simplified WHAT-IF calculation. We compared the case where all Taxis in Beijing have a VW Gasoline Engine with the case where all Taxis have a VW Diesel Engine. As you see in the chart, assuming a average driving length of 250 km/day the whole taxifleet can save over 220 million liter fuel/year. The following chart highlights the environment friendliness of the diesel engine. As you can see, the use of a diesel engine causes around 45% less greenhouse relevant gases. In this chart, we also consider not only the emission of the engine, but the emission of the whole chain: from the fuel exploration until the final usage. Die Diesel-Zulassungszahlen in Europa ? und Deutschland steigen st?ndig. VW wird in diesem Jahr etwa 1,7 Mio. Dieselmotore produzieren. Modern Diesel 现代柴油机 Development of diesel engines 柴油机的发展 Patent certificate of 23.2.1893 1893年2月23日颁发的专利证书 Development of diesel engines 柴油机的发展 First Diesel engine in 1905 1905年第一台柴油机问世 Piston with bowl (1892) 带有燃烧室的活塞 Pre-Chamber (1893) 预燃室 Unit Injector (1905) 泵喷嘴 Development of diesel engines 柴油机的发展 Proposals of Rudolf Diesel 鲁道夫.狄塞尔的建议 Swirl Chamber 涡流室 Development of diesel engines 柴油机的发展 Pre-Chamber (1893) 预燃室 Direct Injection 直喷燃烧室 Development of diesel engi
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