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/Events/WinHEC/2015;Minimum System HW Requirements Compatibility for Windows Platforms;Introduction and Agenda;Windows 10 Minimum Hardware Specification;This specification defines the minimum hardware requirements necessary to:
Boot and run Windows 10.
Update and service Windows 10.
Provide a baseline user experience that is comparable with similar devices and computers.
This specification does not provide certification requirements for devices and computers that run Windows 10 or implementation guidance for exceptional user experiences.
;New SoC Processor Support for Windows 10;Windows Mobile Hardware Requirements;Windows Desktop Minimum Hardware Requirements;Optional Components and Connectivity;Windows 10 Security Requirements;Windows Hardware Compatibility Program;Windows Hardware Compatibility Program;Association with one of the strongest, most well-known brands in the world – Microsoft Windows
Value add against competitors
Meeting corporate and retail purchasing criteria
Receiving a Windows Compatibility Center listing
Drivers published on Windows Update
Lower support costs and reduced product returns;Changes to make it easier;Road to Program Qualification;Road to Program Qualification;Road to Program Qualification;Hardware Lab Kit;Major Product Types;Road to Program Qualification;Road to Program Qualification;Making it easier;Available for production signing
Does not require HLK results
Windows 10 treats driver the same
Drivers can be posted to Windows Update
Components will not be listed on the Certified Products List
Cannot use Compatible with Windows artwork
;Call to action;Please Complete an Evaluation. Your input is important!;(c) 2015 Microsoft Corporation.? All rights reserved.? This document is provided as-is. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. ?This document does not
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