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Cardiac Catheterization and Angiocardiography Aorta angiocardiography ascending aorta and aortic arch enlargement, PA and arterial duct developing(显影) at the same time,and measurability of diameter,and shape of duct Complications (Left to Right shunt) Pneumonia Congestive heart failure Pulmonary artery hypertension Infection endocarditis: fewer Treatment For PDA Internal medicine to prevent and treat complications Treatment For PDA Interventional therapy,transcatheter PDA occlusion,first choice at present Coil(spring coil): PDA narrowest<2.0mm / weight≥4kg / age≥6mon / residual shunt after surgery Amplatzer: PDA narrowest≥2.0mm,≤12mm/weight≥4kg/age ≥6mon/residual shunt after surgery Cardiac Catheterization Right cardiac catheterization (1)data of blood oxygen: RA SO2>SVC,IVC (2)data of pressure: RA、RV、PA (3)abnormal channel:RA to LA,PV Complications(Left Right shunt) Pneumonia Congestive heart failure Pulmonary artery hypertension Infection endocarditis: fewer Treatment for ASD Internal medical treatment prevent and treat all kinds of complications,monitor PA pressure Interventional therapy Transcatheter ASD occlusion It is an important technical renovation in medical science Beginning from 1976 Amplatzer two trays(双盘) ASD occluder having been used from 1997 80% ASD can be cured by occluder Adaptations age≥2 years old diameter 4-36mm,secondary central ASD the distance of defect edge to coronary vein sinus(冠状静脉窦),SVC、IVC and PV≥5mm,to chamber valve≥7mm the maxmal atria septel extension≥ASD diameter+14mm No other malformation need surgery Process of transcathter ASD occlusion use Amplatzer Occluder Treatment for ASD surgery Large ASD ASDs that can not treat by occlusion Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) Outline Incidence and rate of natural closure Pathological anatomy Pathophysiology and Hemodynamics Clinical Manifestations Assistant Examines Electrocardiogram/X-ray/ Echocardiography/ Cardiac Catheterization a


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