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Watch the cartoon What kind of show did Yang Ling give? 杨玲表演的是什么节目? a dancing show a magic show (魔术表演) C.a singing show 2.How many skirts did Yang Ling show? 杨玲展示了几条裙子? A.1 B. 2 C. 3 What kind of show did Yang Ling give? 杨玲表演的是什么节目? a dancing show a magic show (魔术表演) C.a singing show 2.How many skirts did Yang Ling show? 杨玲展示了几条裙子? A.1 B. 2 C. 3 1.What colour is the first(第一条) skirt? B. C. 2. What colour is the second (第二条) skirt? B. C. * Unit6 Colours Good morning, Bobby. Hi. Are you Mike? He’s Bobby. He’s my friend. It’s great. Look at me. This is my family. She’s my sister. This is my grandpa. Nice to meet you. Good evening. What colour is the T-shirt? It’s . What colour is it ? It’s . What colour is it ? It’s . What colour is it ? What colour is it ? It’s . What colour is it now ? What colour is it ? It’s . What colour is it now ? Unit6 colours colours red orange yellow green Play a game 说出你看见的颜色, 但是当你看见炸弹时,要大声说Bomb ! 你知道哪些颜色的单词呢? yellow green orange Let’s chant! Skirt, skirt, What colour is my skirt? Red, red, Oh, it’s red. What colour is my …? It’s … Make a new chant , , What colour is my ? , , Oh, it’s . 选择你们得到的一个奖品,每个小组创作一个新chant. What colour is the first(第一条) skirt? B. C. Watch and answer 在第五单元中,我们知道杨玲穿上漂亮衣服去进行一场魔术表演,让我们去欣赏她的“更衣术”吧! What colour is the first(第一条) skirt? B. C. Read and answer 杨玲开始变魔术了, How dose Yang Ling ask? 自读课文,找到杨玲是如何问观众的? now 现在 现在我的裙子是什么颜色的? Read again(再读课文) At the last time, what colour is Yang Ling’s skirt ? 最后一次杨玲的裙子是什么颜色? It’s red and yellow. What colour is it now? it 它 它是红黄相间的 。 red green blue yellow Read quickly It’s red and yellow. (和,与,又) It’


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