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Homework: 1 Read after the tape and try to recite it. 2 Copy the new words four times. Look at my skirt. It’s orange. What colour is my skirt now? It’s green. What colour is it now? It’s red and yellow. Let’s read! Fill in the blanks Look at my skirt. It’s ______. What colour is my skirt now? It’s _____. What colour is it now? It’s ____ and _____. orange green red yellow Let’s dub! Let’s act! Look at my skirt. It’s ______. What colour is my skirt now? It’s _____. What colour is it now? It’s ____ and _____. orange green red yellow A: Look at my ____. It’s ____. A: What colour is my ____ now? B: It’s green. A: What colour is it now? B: It’s ____ and ____. Let’s act! We learn… 我们学了…… 1. We learn eight new words… 我们学了八个新单词…… Red, blue, green, yellow, orange, brown, black, and white. 2. We know how to ask for colours… 我们学到了如何向颜色提问和回答。 What colour is ······? It’s ······ Let’s do some exercise: ( )1.你想问某样事物是什么颜色时,可以说: A. What’s that? B. What colour is it? C. Are you Mike? ( )2. 一顶红色的帽子,你说: A. a red cap. B. a red cat. C. a blue cap. ( )3. What colour is the orange? A. It’s red. B. It’s black. C. It’s orange. B A C The world is colorful. Let’s enjoy our life. 这个世界是五彩缤纷的,让我们享受生活吧! * Kunshan Cheng Bei Primary School Cai Lisi Oxford English Grade 3 (A) Name: Timmy Hobby(爱好): drawing(画画) 小熊想去观看魔术表演,但主人必须让他完成三个任务。 任务一 美术知识大考验 red blue yellow Do you know the three primary colours?(三原色) 任务一 美术知识大考验 It’s blue. What colour is it? What colour is it? It’s red . What colour is it? It’s yellow. Traffic light: red, yellow and ? Traffic light: red, yellow and green tree What ,what,what colour? Red, red,it’s red! What,what, what colour? Yellow, yellow, it’s yellow! What, what, what colour? Green, green, it’s green! Say a chant! What, what, what colour? Blue, blue, it’s blue! 任务二 眼力大考验 任务一 美术知识大考验 red blue yellow red green 任务二 眼力大考验—What’s missing? red



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