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有关英语面试技巧阅读 一般说来,通过面试中的交谈,一个人的内在潜力和能力可以表现出来,因此企业在招聘新职员时,一般都要通过面试对应聘者进行各方面的考查,诸如服装仪表、举止言谈、专业技能等,最后做出直观的判断,乃至最终的决定。小编整理了有关英语面试技巧,欢迎阅读!  有关英语面试技巧一 面试前做好10件小事,让你临场信心百倍 Employers will usually only spend a few seconds deciding if you are a good enough fit for a job to warrant a more thorough review of your resume and cover letter, so you need to make sure that it is immediately obvious that you have many of the skills, experiences and qualities that they value most highly. 通过认真阅读你的简历和求职信,雇主通常几秒钟就能判定你是否足够胜任这份工作。因此,你得确保你所拥有的且他们十分重视的许多技能,经历和品质,让雇主一眼就能看出来。 Tips for Matching Your Qualifications to a Job 下面是将技能与工作对应的一些技巧 It's also important to focus on your most relevant skills and strengths when interviewing. The closer your match to the position, the better your chances of job search success. 面试时把注意力集中在你最相关的技能和优点上,这也很重要。你的技能与工作联系得越紧密,你得到这份工作的可能性越大。 1. Analyze the Job Listing 1.分析招聘启事 Job postings are typically broken out into several sections. Expect to see information about the company, details on the desired qualifications of applicants and a description of the responsibilities involved in the role. Some are brief, others include more details about the job and the company. 一般而言,招聘广告会列入部分内容。你可以看到有关公司的信息,对求职者技能条件的期望以及对相关职责的描述。有的比较简短,有的则包含了相关工作和公司的具体信息。 Take the time to review the job posting, so you are familiar with what the employer wants. Here's how to decode a job advertisement, so you can decide whether to apply and start work on your resume and cover letter. 花点时间阅读招聘启事,可以帮助你了解清楚雇主想要什么。下面会告诉你如何解读一份招聘广告,这样你就可以决定是否要申请该工作,并开始写简历和求职信。 2. Make a List 2.列个清单 If the job is a good match, the next step is to make a connection between your skills and the employer's requirements, is to create a list of the preferred qualifications for the ideal candidate for your target job. If a job advertisement is well written and detailed, you might be able to assemble much of your list right from the ad. 如果这份工作十分适合你,那么接下来,一


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