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关于外企英文面试技巧 招聘面试是企业人力资源活动的重要组成部分,也是各个企业和机构招聘过程中必不可少的一部分。小编整理了关于外企英文面试技巧,欢迎阅读!  关于外企英文面试技巧一 如何巧妙的回答自身的缺点 Some people offer replies they mistakenly assume that bosses love, such as 'I am a perfectionist.' That response 'will be used against you' because you appear incapable of delegating, warns Joshua Ehrlich, dean of a master's program in executive coaching sponsored by BeamPines Inc., a New York coaching firm and Middlesex University in London. 一些应聘者会给出误以为老板会喜欢的答案,比如,“我的缺点是过于追求完美”。对此埃里奇(Joshua Ehrlich)提醒说,这个回答会对你求职不利,因为它显得你似乎没有能力授权给他人。埃里奇是一个由纽约职业培训机构BeamPines Inc.和伦敦米德塞克斯大学(Middlesex University)合办的经理人硕士班培训项目的负责人。 A careful game plan could help you cope with the shortcoming query in a way that highlights your fit for a desired position. Job seekers who field the question well demonstrate that they can 'take initiative and improve themselves,' Mr. Morrow says. 为对付这个问题,可事先精心设计好一个答案,以凸显你适合所申请的这个职位。莫罗说,出色回答这个问题的求职者表现出他们能够“主动行动,改善自己”。 The key? Thorough preparation. Career specialists suggest you take stock of your weaknesses, focusing on job-related ones that won't impede your ability to perform your duties. Tony Santora, an executive vice president for Right Management, a major outplacement firm in Philadelphia, says an information-technology manager flubbed a xx interview by choosing a personal foible as his reply: 'My true weakness is that I am a terrible cook.' 关键在哪里?那就是充分的准备。职场专家建议,你可以整理一下自己的缺点,挑出其中跟工作有关、但又不会妨碍你行使工作职责的方面。  关于外企英文面试技巧二 面试这么表现,5分钟拿下工作机会 Today with online and mobile technology to help, it’s never been easier to find the dream job that fits your goals. 如今,我们能够通过网络和通讯科技,更容易地找到符合自己预期目标的工作了。 Though the job market is looking good right now, your first hurdle is still going to be that first job interview impression. You start, of course, by reading up on the company itself, their competition, and then prepare to explain what you can do to fill their needs. Plus, here are the five tips you should follow to ensure


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