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优秀的简单英语情景口语对话 英语的口语是我们不能放弃的学习,要多多练习,今天小编就给大家分享一下英语情景对话,希望大家可以进步 经典的英语情景口语 Parent Watch 家长监督 Alex: So Maria, do your parents use any of the social media sites. 亚历克斯:玛丽亚,你父母用社交网站吗? Maria: They do. Both my parents are on Facebook. My mum is not that active on Facebook. She has a profile and she has pictures and I think she's online whenever she wants to get in touch with her kids mostly, which is me and my sister. But my father he uses it regularly and I sometimes get weird like comments from him. It's not that bad, but, for example, when I'm traveling and he can't call me, he just writes like that looks awesome to weird pictures and it kind of gets awkward sometimes. But they do have, they are very active on the internet and my dad he's a journalist, so he's good with words, so whenever we have to write each other, I always get these long mails like that's very cleverly worded and humorous and it's so cool. He's so cool. My mum is more behind. 玛丽亚:用。我父母都有脸谱网账号。我妈妈不太常用脸谱网。她有填个人资料也上传了照片,我认为她是在自己想上网的时候就上下脸谱网,主要是和我和我姐姐联系一下。不过我爸爸经常用脸谱网,有时我收到他的评论会感觉很奇怪。不过也不是那么糟了,比如,我旅行的时候他不能给我打电话,他就会在一些奇怪的照片下面评论“看上去棒极了”,有时这会有些尴尬。我父母经常上网,我爸爸是记者,他很擅长写作,我们给对方写信时,我会收到非常长的邮件,这些邮件用词巧妙又幽默,非常棒。我爸爸非常酷。我妈妈则不擅长写东西。 Alex: What about Skype? 亚历克斯:那Skype呢? Maria: Skype yes but mostly only to get in touch with me and my sister. 玛丽亚:通常他们只用Skype和我还有我姐姐联系。 Alex: OK, cool. What about like do they ever have MySpace? 亚历克斯:真酷。那他们有MySpace账号吗? Maria: No, none of us have. 玛丽亚:我们都没有。 Alex: No, it's a word I haven't heard in a while too, MySpace? 亚历克斯:我也有段时间没听到这个软件了,是MySpace吧? Maria: Yeah. 玛丽亚:对。 Alex: What about Twitter? 亚历克斯:那推特呢? Maria: I'm not active. My father keeps talking about it. I don't know if he wants to start a Twitter account because he keeps mentioning that it's kind of a good idea but he's not there. I'm not because I think I have Facebook that should be enough for me at least. I don't know if, they are not into soc


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