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英语师范生自荐信精选 高校毕业生的求职自荐信是人才分配市场化的产物。高校毕业生的求职自荐信同一般求职自荐信既有相似的一面,又有很大的不同。小编精心收集了英语师范生自荐信,供大家欣赏学习!  英语师范生自荐信篇1 Dear Personnel Director: Hello! Mianyang Teachers College I College of Education, Science, 06, a student, after the University of study and training, I will be completed in June next year, university studies, the real into the community to begin a new period of life on the road journey. I think: "We must let their lives in the classroom full of bright luster, we must allow the existence of a child because I feel happy!." For more than three years, school leaders and teachers under the guidance of my efforts to learn professional knowledge, professional skills training, professional standards have improved each year; in learning, I never take it lightly, not only do all the others are doing thing - listening, speaking, reading, writing, teaching and other training, but also done a lot of others do not, for example, in爱看书great efforts in this regard, reading the original work of education for their own mental Quantitative life nutritional intake, adjusting the structure of knowledge at the same time, the expansion of the field of vision. It is in this attitude to be prepared at all times, I start from the time of study enrollment师表, tree Teachers, at all times to seize the opportunity to learn how to be an outstanding teacher of the people, the books always remind myself that learning to practice learning, learning to teachers, so that over the past two years I have been taking time to tutor after work, so by learning to use, and for different students to choose teaching methods, so that their English results have improved, in the final tests have been a good result. Teaching classes, I first took to the rostrum to the courage and the perfect style of teaching skills and excellent results obtained. Immortals in the town of Mianyang City Furong teaching practice in primary schools, serious lectures, classes, lectures, listened carefully to t


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