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Welcome to the unitBecause I ’ ve found something more pleasant than art.because 因为 I do it because I like it. 我如许做为由于我喜欢;Why can ’ t I go?Because you are too young. Welcome to the unit Because I ’ ve found something more pleasant than art. because 因为 I do it because I like it. 我如许做为由于我喜欢; Why can ’ t I go? Because you are too young. 2) something more pleasant 句中 more pleasant 作 something 得后置定语,修饰 something 得定语一样寻常都要后置; There was always something a little sad about her. 她总为带着一点惆怅; When I grow up, I ’ m going to turn into something else. the caterpillar says. 毛毛虫说: 当我长大,我就变成别得样子; pleasant-adj. 令人愉快得〔修饰事物〕 ; pleased-adj.满意得,愉快得〔修饰人〕 ; pleasure-n.愉快,快乐,乐事 please-v.使 愉快 随堂检测: ’ s wrong with it. ( ) 1. Look! The clock has stopped. Maybe there A. everything C. anything B. something D. nothing ( ) 2. The air in Dongying is much worse than that in many other cities. We must do to protect our environment. A. nothing C. something B. anything D. everything 2. Help them write the correct names of the different art forms in the blanks. help sb. (to) do sth. 资助或人做某事 同意短语: 安迪说他会帮我们搬家具; 我们大家一起帮他填写申请表; Andy said he would help us to move the furniture. We all helped him fill out the application form. 3. I prefer pop music. prefer 更喜欢 , prefer to 比起 更喜欢 What kind of music do you like? These days I prefer classical music. 我更喜欢乘火车旅行; 与猫比起去我更喜欢狗; I prefer travelling by train. I much prefer dogs to cats. 4.form 情势,形状 in the form of 以 得形状 The donation was given in the form of money. 5. musical ,adj. 音乐得; ----music n. 音乐 ----musician n.音乐家 Period1(Comic strip Welcome to the unit) 一、根据句意、汉语或首字母提示写出单词 1. Whos your 〔最爱得〕 singer? 2. Michael Jackson was the King of Pop, and his music talent was a . 3. -What art 〔情势〕 do you like? -I like drama. Sunshine Middle School has an art f every school year and students can learn much about art. Her hobby is ( 照相 ) . 6. I ’m a fan of Tan Dun. I think his ( 音乐得 )styles are wonderful. 精选文档,供参考. 第 1 页,共 9 页 二、用所给词得恰当情势填空1. I like art ( well


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