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Module4 Unit1The balloons are flying away.Wh birt如果y for yourat will you buhday party?你的家人要过family’s买什么为生日了,你会他准备生日聚会?balloonsfly awayThe bird is flying away.The balloons are flying away.Who is going to have a birthday party? Daming is going to have a birthday party.have a birthday party举行生日聚会Let’s listen.Listen and answer.、 What is Simon’s mum doing?、 Who can’t help Simon’s mum? 3 、 Who can help Simon’s mum?、 What is happening to the oranges?( 橘子怎么了?)、 What is happening to the balloons?( 气球怎么了?)1 、 What is Simon’s mum doing?She is buying things for Daming’s birthday.at the supermarket在超市I can’t carry everything.carryI can carry this bag.I can’t carry this desk.I can’t carry everything. Who can help me ?谁能帮帮我?help 帮助Who can help me ? 谁能帮帮我?2 、 Who can help Simon’s mum?Daming.I can help you.3 、 Who can’t help Simon’s mum?Simon.Sorry, I can’t. I’m on the phone.He is on the phone. on the phone打电话Who can help me ? I can’t carry everything.Sorry, I can’t. I’m on the phone.I can help you.Memory Game.Who can help me ? .I can’t carry everything. Sorry,_I ca_n_’t. .I’m on the phone. I can help_y_o_u. .4. What is happening to the oranges?(橘子怎么了?)The oranges are falling.fall 掉落falling5. What is happening to the balloons?(气球怎么了?)The balloons are flying away.Read and repeat.Read in roles.(分角色朗读)Simon’s mum:Simon: Daming:人总会遇到自己一个人无法完成的事情, 所 以, 寻求帮助和帮助他人应该成为我们每一 个人的基本能力。我们应该学会合理地、安 全地寻求他人的帮助, 更应该学会善意地、 不图回报地帮助他人。Let’s help them.He is flying a kite.His kite is flying away.My kite is flying away. Who can help me?I can help you.My kite is flying away. Who can help me?Sorry, I can’t.My apples are falling. Who can help me?My apples are falling. Who can help me?Sorry, I can’t.I can help you.向他人寻求帮助可以说:不能帮助别人时,用英 语该怎么说 呀?Sorry, I can’t.Who can help me ?提供帮助可以说:I can help you.Who can help me?A: My books ar_e fa_llin.g_Wh_o _can_ help me? B:_S_orry, I can’t .C:I ca_n help you.A: My kite is flying away. Who can help me? B: Sorry, I can’t.C:I can help you.A: My apples are f


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