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PAGE 儿科学教学大纲           一、课程简介 儿科学是一门研究小儿生长发育规律、提高小儿身心健康水平和疾病防治的临床医学科学。儿科学的任务是不断探索儿科医学理论,并在实践中总结经验,提高疾病防治水平,降低儿童发病率和死亡率,增强儿童体质,保障儿童健康,提高中华民族的整体素质。通过儿科学教学为医学生今后从事儿科临床医疗、儿童保健工作、社区医疗服务奠定基础。根据七年制儿科学教材及我校原儿科学教学大纲,结合临床儿科学教学、医疗实际、参考职业医师考试内容,编写了儿科学教学大纲。供我校七年制各专业使用。 根据教学计划,儿科学教学总学时为63学时,课堂授课48学时,见习15学时,3学分。 二、教学内容与要求 第一章 绪 论 (一)目的和要求 1.熟悉儿科学的任务和研究范围; 2.熟悉小儿年龄分期; 3.掌握儿科学的特点; 4.了解我国儿科工作发展史。 (二)教学内容 1.讲解儿科学任务及其研究范围; 2.重点讲解儿科学特点(包括基础和临床特点); 3.一般介绍我国儿科工作发展史; 4.讲解小儿年龄分期、各期小儿特点。 Chapter One Introduction (1)Purpose and Requirement: 1.To familiarize the task of pediatrics and the research scope. 2. To familiarize the child age periods. 3. To grasp the characteristic of pediatrics. 4.To understand the history of Chinese pediatrics development. (2)The content for teaching: To explain the task of pediatrics and the research scope. To emphasize the characteristic of pediatrics, (including basic and clinical characteristic). To generally introduce the history of Chinese pediatrics development. To explain the child age periods, and the characteristic of every period. 第二章 生长发育 (一)目的和要求 1.熟悉小儿生长发育的规律; 2.了解小儿生长发育的影响因素; 3.掌握小儿生长发育的各项指标; 4.熟悉小儿神经心理发育; 5.自学神经心理发育的评价。 (二)教学内容 1.讲解小儿生长发育规律; 2.一般介绍影响小儿生长发育的因素; 3.重点讲解小儿体格生长各项指标及其测量、计算方法、正常值及其临床意义,包括体重、身长、头围、颅骨、骨化中心和牙齿的发育; 4.重点讲解小儿神经的发育规律,如各年龄小儿动作发育、语言、思维和神经反射的发育; 5.讲解小儿心理行为的发展及几种常见的心理行为障碍。 Chapter Two Growth and Development (1)Purpose and demand: To familiarize the rules of child growth and development. To understand the influence factor of child growth and development. To grasp the norms of child growth and development. To familiarize the child development of neuropsychology To self-study the evaluation of child neuropsychology development. (2)The content for teaching: To explain the rules of child growth and development. To generally introduce the influence factor of child growth and development. To emphasize the norms of child growth, and their measure, calculation methods, normal value, and clinical meaning. Including weight, length, hea


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