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肺癌流行病学现状(图表) 9月11 H, Nature杂志发布了肺癌专题,以九篇文 章的形式全面介绍了肺癌的诊疗现状,探讨了肺癌发 生的原因。本文将为您展示肺癌的全球流行病学现 状。 Bronchus Secondary bronchi 分型 1H[ MAINLINO CANCIR? Squamous cell carcinoma (50%)Thcw lurr?urs 午 1H[ MAIN LINO CANCIR ? Squamous cell carcinoma (50%) Thcw lurr?urs 午pgr in the flat cells that line the inside of the airways, usua ly ne^r the Cronchi. This form dihe disease is usually caused ty smoking and 15 mote comms in m?n wottrf The hirmi*s tend to Rrcw slowly. 4 洛 C ?? ;;:% ? Large cell J ■七P.;;,T) carcinoma (15%) ?.. 七d《X L ? TM fyr? of “riE . .? * 二土 -car begin in any □art o1 the lung and often grows dM spreads Quick*. Small coll lung can cor (15%) o Adenoordnoma (40%) Tiisis *he rrost prevalerH foriY of lung :arc?r md usually arses in the cells lining the alveoli It is a commcn brm o# lung cancer in jxfle who ha* n^ver smsed, txil s also seen in smixg Usuelly g?” 11 zb me Uu? bronchi, smol cc : lung cancor is almcst always eausM by srraking and § mry aggre。如m. Only 6% ot US patients with small-cell Iuhrcancer survw five years afior diagnosis, compared with 21% o4 ttiose with non-5rniieii lung cancer 肺癌按照细胞类型分为非小细胞肺癌和小细胞肺癌(15% )。非小细胞肺癌有三个主要 的亚型为腺癌(40% )、纖状细胞痼(30% )和大细胞癌(15% ) ?依据类型不同其治 疗和预后也不同(1) O 全球流行情况 HungaryThe ccvrky,:n an “mg 1 the ^9Vrwm ?mJK.[?z t*xugh,■ ?1i?rl?5 Hungary The ccvrky,:n an “mg 1 the ^9V rwm ?mJK.[?z t*xugh,■ ?1i?rl?5 33% 4 F 女二**OTn n^w smg ??。明 8 2039,odc —tn Bmwkr 如.,? *?? 土 MQXiCQ :0-10 11-20 门2】30 ■ 31-40 ?ith knr ratn ol ?ung oft Sub Sjharjn Africa ZAr3 p*t 宀 China 5 5 d ?nnin th, some y?3fs fir ary gcw舞 in ? rcmDs al people vwg M 9 8 tn 3* 8 E cm^cx ?kS」W決 HMK3.d*5 * 3Ep.g AggEt VC :08C8 EV。 PWWS 2vc G4UJCC i dechne m i^wrg^na ire ?*chhw aie s ,f硕* 2012年的肺癌年发病率(每10万人)。吸烟是肺稿的主要原因,但是约十分之一的肺 癌患者从不吸烟(2) °在美国,诊断为肺癌后的5年生存率为17.8%。 全球范围内的寿命损失年 12 (打=_沱怀。一 £一』。担$ 在中国,肺癌的影响攀升非常快,由于吸烟人数快速上升。 中国:吸烟人数 PAGE PAGE # 300 Male 250 200 150One-third of a l cigarettes smoked globally are smoked in China, where the government is the worlds largest tob


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