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基于疫情期间消费者网购习惯的电商网站营销策略优化 【摘要】   随着线上商业环境的发展,消费者倾向突显出其重要性,商家的关注点逐渐由获得消费者转变为消费者留存。以消费者需求为中心,从而提升顾客忠诚度成为了核心目标。以往的学术研究中也不乏对于。突如其来的新冠疫情带来了全新的机遇与挑战,国内的零售业结构由此进一步产生变化。出于疫情期间对于安全的考虑,多数消费者转至线上电商平台进行购物,在线用户的活跃程度快速攀升,电商平台需要进行营销策略的改革,从而更加贴近消费者的需求。因此,本文针对新冠疫情这一特殊情景,通过对现有新冠疫情以及2003年的非典疫情期间相关学术研究成果进行梳理,从学术角度以及实践角度出发,采用问卷调查的方式收集数据,并利用SOR模型进行量化研究,从而为新冠疫情情境下电商平台的营销策略提供改良方式。 关键词:数字经济;营销策略;电子商务;电商平台;新冠肺炎疫情;常态化疫情防控;零售业 【Abstract】   With the development of the online business environment, consumer trends have become more important, and the focus of businesses has gradually shifted from acquiring consumers to retaining consumers. Focusing on consumer needs, thereby enhancing customer loyalty has become a core goal. There is no shortage of countermeasures in previous academic research. The sudden new crown epidemic has brought new opportunities and challenges, and the structure of the domestic retail industry has further changed. Due to safety considerations during the epidemic, most consumers switched to online e-commerce platforms for shopping, and the activity level of online users is rapidly increasing. E-commerce platforms need to reform their marketing strategies to better meet consumers needs. Therefore, this article is aimed at the special situation of the new crown epidemic, by combing the existing new crown epidemic and the relevant academic research results during the SARS epidemic in 2003, starting from the academic and practical perspectives, using questionnaire surveys to collect data and use The SOR model conducts quantitative research to provide an improved way for the marketing strategy of e-commerce platforms in the context of the new crown epidemic.   Key words: Digital economy; marketing strategy; e-commerce; online shopping platform; COVID-19; normalized epidemic prevention and control; retail industry 一、绪论 (一)研究的有关背景(课题的提出)及目标意义   随着信息技术的发展,我国的互联网用户的规模越来越庞大。根据CNNIC发布的《第44次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》,截止到2019年6月,我国的网民数量已达8.54亿人,和2018年相比增加了2598万人,互联网普及率已高达61.2%。伴随着网民数量的增加,互联网模式的使用频率


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