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International Cooperation Strategic ManagementWhat is a Joint Venture A joint venture (JV) is a business enterprise involving two or more legally distinct partner companies, each of which plays more than merely an investment role in the enterprise. A JV is considered international if at least one partner is headquartered outside the country of operation, or if the venture operates significantly in more than one country. 国际合作与战略管理何为合资 合资公司是由两个或两个以上的合作公司组成的企业, 各方在企业中不仅仅是出资。合资公司中的一方如果总部设在国外,或者合资公司不止在一个国家进行经营,则认为该合资公司为国际性合资公司。International Cooperation Strategic ManagementWhy Joint Ventures? As there are good business and accounting reasons to create a joint venture (JV) with a company that has complementary capabilities and resources, such as distribution channels, technology, or finance, joint ventures are becoming an increasingly common way for companies to form strategic alliances. In a joint venture, two or more partner companies agree to share capital, technology, human resources, risks and rewards in a formation of a new entity under shared control.国际合作与战略管理为什么要合资? 有好的商业前景并且公司有相应的能力与资源,如分销渠道,技术或融资。合资已经成为企业战略联盟的一种常见方式。在合资公司中,两个或更多的企业分享资金、技术、人力资源,分担风险并且从这个共同管理的新的实体中获利。International Cooperation Strategic ManagementStrategic motives for JV formation Why do companies form international joint ventures? Traditionally, to enter the markets of countries with restrictions on foreign investment. Recently, driven by rapidly changing market conditions. 国际合作与战略管理建立国际性合资公司的战略目的 为什么建立国际性合资公司? 传统意义上来讲, 外商投资进入一个国家的市场有一定的限制. 最近, 受快速变化的市场情况的影响.International Cooperation Strategic ManagementThe number of JVs, both horizontal (occurring between competing companies) and vertical (occurring between companies occupying different positions within the value-chain), has risen dramatically during the past 20 to 30 years. The greatest stimulus = the emergence of global competition. Other influences include: Rapid technological development.High cost of research and development. The concentr


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