最新2021-2022年外研版必修1:Module2 Section Ⅳ课文训练含解析.docVIP

最新2021-2022年外研版必修1:Module2 Section Ⅳ课文训练含解析.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 Section Ⅳ Cultural Corner 姓名:________ 测试时间:45分钟 本卷总分:50分 自评或老师评分:________ 基础训练 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Part of my job is to keep a good ________(关系) with our customers. 2.Sports clothes are not appropriate for a ________(正式的)wedding. 3. If you have calm, controlled and ________(放松的)gestures, then you will be seen as someone who is confident. 4.She was late and I________(同样地)was delayed. 5.A good teacher should have his lessons well ________ and clear. 答案: 1.relationship 2.formal 3. relaxed 4.anised Ⅱ.用所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 make sure,as a result,amusing,avoid,in my opinion,appearance,be true of,appreciate,fall asleep,tell jokes 1.The price of the raw materials have gone down. ________________________, costs will be reduced as much as 20%. 2. He braked his car just in time ________ a traffic accident. 3.You should not judge a person only by his ________. 4.Those toys kept the children ________ and they all had fun playing with them. 5.We must ________ that everyone gets an equal share of the money. 6.The teacher usually________when he thinks we will be bored in class. 7.English is difficult for us to learn and it________Germany. 8.While I was reading,my grandma________yesterday evening. 9.________,you should get changed before you attend the party. 10.I will________it if you keep silent at the meeting. 答案: 1.As a result  2.to avoid  3.appearance 4. amused 5. make sure 6.tells jokes 7.is true of 8.fell asleep 9.In my opinion 10.appreciate 语篇提能 Ⅰ.完形填空 Thomas Edison tried two thousand different materials to make the light bulb.When none worked satisfactorily,his assistant__1__,“All our work is in vain(徒劳,白费).We have learned nothing.” Thomas Edison replied very__2__,“Oh,we have come a long way and we have__3__a lot.We now know that there are two thousand materials which we cannot__4__to make a good light bulb.” If you learn from your mistakes,then you are__5__.If you learn from someone elses mistakes,then you are a genius.


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