牛津译林版必修2高中英语 Unit2 Wish you were here Grammar and usage教学设计1.docVIP

牛津译林版必修2高中英语 Unit2 Wish you were here Grammar and usage教学设计1.doc

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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 单  元:Unit 2 Wish you were here Thoughts on the design: 本板块通过语法规则的讲解与多种图示的呈现,让学生比较全面系统地掌握本单元的语法知识。讲解应通俗易懂,一目了然。板块中的语法练习尽量在语篇中完成。这样可以避免学生死抠语法,生搬硬套。语法训练所选用的材料和所设计的练习也尽可能地和本单元话题相联系。此外,教师还应注意拓展和延伸学生已学过的语法项目。 Teaching aims: After learning,the students will get a clear idea of what the future continuous tense is like and how to use it correctly. Besides, their knowledge of the future tense will be further improved. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming up Tell a story of a tortoise and a snail with the pictures shown on the screen. Talk with the whole class about the different forms of the simple future tense that are used in it. The simple future tense is expressed by: will/shall do. be going to do. be about to do. be to do. be doing. do/ does. [Explanation] 故事图文并茂,很容易吸引学生的注意力。故事中人物的对话又创设了一个个生动具体的语境,巧妙地把学生学过的一般将来时的各种形式进行回顾,为进一步学习将来进行时作铺垫。 Step 2 Revision Lead-in From the reading passage in this unit, we’ve learned that Toby and Colin are going to have an adventure in Africa. Do you still remember their plans for the holiday? Help the Ss to recall like this: 1. They’ll be flying to Morocco in Northern Africa 2. They’ll be traveling by camel with the local guides. 3. They’ll be walking every day for two weeks. … Ask the Ss to guess what tense is used in these sentences and write down “Future continuous tense” on the blackboard. [Explanation] 通过这个环节,学生复习了学过的课文内容,同时又自然导入本课学习任务:将来进行时。 Step 3 Presentation 1. Show the following sentence on the screen and explain it with the picture: Toby will be climbing in the Himalayas all next week. According to the example above, help the Ss to understand that the future continuous tense is often used to talk about something that will be in progress * over a period of time in the future * at a certain time in the future 2. Show the following sentences on the screen and get the whole class to compare them with each other and learn about the other cases when this tense is


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