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2020中考英语冲刺•阅读理解 专题训练1 A Sore n ecks are very com mon these days. How to avoid a sore n eck? Here are the things you should know. • Take precauti ons 预防措施 )after an unu sual activity. Many people report hav ing a pa in in their necks after doing something that they don ' t often do, such as a new exercise or packing a movi ng. If you know you ' ve done something that puts you a risk, mas按aieXyour neck , do it with differe nt exercises and take a warm bath before bed. • Make sure your workstation is correct. If you work long hours at a desk you may want to make sure that your work en vir onment is set up to be the most relax ing. Make sure that your body is being treated right. Keep your feet on the floor. This will often depend on how high your chair is, so adjus调整)jt in time to achieve good results. • Change yourposture often. Sitting in one position for long periods of time is not healthy. Sit with your back straight for most of the time. Take a 5-minute break if you can and walk around every hour. • Exercise. Find someth ing — swim min g, r unning or climb ing - that makes you excited and feel alive. Make it into a unu sual way. Your body will feel better and your mi nd will feel more relaxed. 1. In Paragraph 5, the underlined word it” refers t(指) . A. the desk B. the chair C. your n eck D. your body 2. The underlined word “ posture ” in Paragraph 6 probably means in Chinese. A. 姿势 B.方向 C.方式 D.状态 3. can avoid a sore back accord ing to the passage. A. Making your work en vir onment be quiet B. Sitting with back straight for a moment C. Pack ing and moving for a long time D. Exercis ing ofte n like swimmi ng or running 4. After doing someth ing unu sual, you may do the follow ing things except . A doing it with differe nt exercises B. massag ing your n eck C. tak ing a warm bath before bed D. look ing at your phone for too long 5. This passage mai nly tells u . A. how to do exercise well B. exercis ing ofte n is good for people C. how to avoid a sore n eck D. being


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