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我们重新讲一个老故事 Let us tell an old story a new. 来看看你到底多了解它 And we will see how well you know it. 从前 有两个邻国 Once upon a time there were two kingdoms 它们互相仇视 that were the worst of neighbors. 两国间有着深刻的冲突和鸿沟 So vast the discord between them 据说只有伟大的英雄或可怕的恶人 that is was said only a great hero 才能化解冲突 使它们统一 or a terrible villain might bring them together. 一个王国里 住着你我这样的人 In one kingdom lived folk like you and me 在自负贪婪的国王的统治下 with a vain and greedy king to rule over them. 他们总是不满足于现状 They were forever discontent and envious 觊觎邻居的财富和美好 of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors. 在另一个王国 摩尔森林中 For in the other kingdom, the Moors 生活着各种奇怪而有趣的生物 lived every manner of strange and wonderful creature. 这里不需要国王或皇后的统治 And they needed neither king nor queen 只需要彼此互相信任 but trusted in one another. 在摩尔王国悬崖边的一棵参天大树上 In a great tree on a great cliff in the Moors 生活着一个精灵 lived one such spirit. 你或许以为她只是个小女孩 You might take her for a girl. 但她并不仅仅是普通的女孩子 But she was not just any girl. 她是个仙女 She was a fairy. 好好成长吧 There you go. 她的名字叫玛琳菲森 And her name was Maleficent. 早上好 尚特瓦尔先生 你的车不错 Good morning, Mr. Shantuwell. I love your car. 别别 别这样 No! No! Dont do it! 哈哈 没砸中我 Ha, you missed me! -早上好 -早上好 - Good morning. - Good morning. 步子真轻盈 姐hearts;妹hearts;们hearts; Love your walk, girls. 怎么一副大惊小怪的样子 Whats all the fuss about? 边境守卫... The border guards... 凭什么你来说 我想告诉她 Whyd you get to tell her? I want to tell her! 有规矩的 蓝蝶仙子 There are rules, Flittle. 这次我说下次你说 I tell this time, you tell next time. 边境守卫... The border guards... 不对 你上次就说过了 No, you told last time. 所以这次该我说 绿蕨仙子下次说 So I should tell this time and Thistletwit next time. 到底要说什么 Tell me what? -好了好了 -多谢你 - Fine! - Ah, thank you. 玛琳菲森 边境守卫... Maleficent, the border guards... 边境守卫在珠宝湖 The border guards have found a human thief 发现一个人类小偷 at the Pool of Jewels! 很抱歉 Im sorry. 她总是用那副大翅膀来去匆匆 Shes always in a hurry with her big wings. 这里出现了人类 Humans, here. 我希望不会又发生战争 I hope this isnt another war. 我不害怕 Im not afraid. 再说 我还没有近距离看过人类呢 Besides, Ive never seen a hu


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