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看那边 Look! Over there! 他们的船真大 Their ship is so big. 我们的船要是也那么棒就好了 Wish ours was that fancy. 我会超开心的 Id be so happy if ours was that fancy. -因为那样... -为什么 - Cause then... - Why is that? 因为它更好看吗 Because it looks better? 这艘船带我们安然度过许多风暴 This boat has seen us through many a storm. 别看它其貌不扬 It may not look like much, 但它有着那艘船永远都不会有的东西 but it has something theirs never will. 是什么呢 烂木头和老鼠吗 What? Wood rot and rats? 孩子们有学到些什么吗 亲爱的 Are the children learning something, dear? 现在还不好说 It is unclear. 行了 All right, 坐下 孩子们 sit, children. 我想是时候给你们讲讲 I think its time that I told you the story... 阿hearts;拉hearts;丁 公主和神灯的故事了 of Aladdin, the princess, and the lamp. 一盏灯有什么特别的 Whats so special about a lamp? 这可是盏神灯 This is a magic lamp. 也许你可以唱出来 Maybe if you sing. 你把故事唱出来 效果会更好 Its better when you sing. 不不 不唱 今天我很累了 No, no. No singing. Its been a long day. 试想遥远他方 Imagine a land, its a faraway place 那里驼商游荡 Where the caravan camels roam 你遨游于语言文化万方 Where you wander among evry culture and tongue 虽说喧扰 到底仍是家乡 Its chaotic but hey, its home 当风自东来 When the winds from the east 日升西方 And the suns from the west 杯中之沙总有正确之想 And the sand in the glass is right 下来停驻 跳上魔毯起飞 Come on down, stop on by, hop a carpet and fly 去又一个阿hearts;拉hearts;伯之夜徜徉 To another Arabian night 阿hearts;拉hearts;丁 当你蜿蜒于街道小巷 As you wind through the streets 穿梭于传说中的市井瓦廊 And the fabled bazaars 货摊上堆满豆蔻多样 With the cardamom-cluttered stalls 可闻香料芬芳 可为锦缎披肩 You can smell evry spice, while you haggle the price 好好砍价算账 Of the silks and the satin shawls 当你穿行迷宫 耳畔乐声清亮 The music that plays as you move through a maze 醉于快乐无他想 In the haze of your pure delight 置身舞步蹁跹 恍惚失了方向 You are caught in a dance, you are lost in the trance 在又一个阿hearts;拉hearts;伯之夜 Of another Arabian night 阿hearts;拉hearts;伯之夜 Arabian nights 正如阿hearts;拉hearts;伯之晌 Like Arabian days 总是热情似火 肆意张扬 More often than not are hotter than hot 其乐无穷享 In a lot of good ways 阿hearts;拉hearts;伯之夜 Arabian nights 正如阿hearts;拉hearts;伯之梦 Like Arabian dreams 这片充满魔法与沙的神奇地方 This mystical land of magic and


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