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马克思主义新闻观研究 国际新闻界 2018.08 本地与全球:中英文媒体与澳门城市形象 ——框架理论的视角 摘要 媒体在较长时段会一贯地从特定角度向受众呈现城市形象。本文将城市形象在海量 媒体文本中稳定的呈现方式概念化为媒体建构城市形象的框架。由此,研究比较了2013 到2017年间全球主流英语媒体与中文媒体如何用不同框架分别向英语和中文受众建构澳 门城市形象。分析发现主流中英文媒体皆强调受众与澳门通过博彩发生关联。相比之 下,英语媒体框架突出澳门是全球金融投资和休闲娱乐目的地。中文媒体则更多将澳门 刻画为居民安享本地美食休闲的日常生活之所。研究揭示出全球化环境中,媒体与城市 本地生活语言的接近度会改变其对城市形象的呈现。“东方赌城”澳门作为全球资本网 络节点和“大中华文化圈”本地日常生活之所同时与不同受众保持多重关系。 关键词 澳门、城市形象、大数据、比较研究 作者简介 潘霁,复旦大学新闻学院副教授,复旦大学信息与传播研究中心研究员,电邮: panji@fudan.edu.cn。 本文为教育部“研究阐释党的十九大精神专项任务项目:回归二十年:‘一国两制’ 实践中的澳门城市形象”的阶段性成果。 DOI:10.13495/j.cnki.cjjc.2018.08.009 Between local and global: Macau’s image in global media From the framing perspective PAN Ji Abstract In a longer time frame, global media follow some consistent rules in presenting the images of different cities to different audiences. This inquiry conceptualizes the stable principles that underlie a sea amount of media texts as media frame for the construction of city images. Drawing on this perspective, we compared the images of Macau as constructed by Chinese and English 156 mainstream media all over the world from 2013 to 2017. Our analyses reveal that English media 国际新闻界 2018.08 马克思主义新闻观研究 describe Macau mostly as a destination for global investment and entertainment. In contrast, Chinese media accentuate that Macau is a place for locals to inhabit and to live on a daily basis. Findings show that in the era of globalization, the linguistic proximity of media to the everyday language of a city changes media’s framing of city images. Macau maintains heterogeneous relations with different groups both as a node in the global network and as an inhabitable local place. Keywords Macau, Image-building, Big dataComparative analysis Aut


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