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等着 我马上就到 Just wait in line. Ill be right there! 找到了 有什么烧着了 Hey, somethings burning. 哎 该死 Ow! Damn it. 离我的生日还有两个月呢吧 You know, my birthday isnt for another two months. 我知道 I know that. 我要是想的话可以给你做煎饼 I can make you pancakes if I want to. 不用了 Im good. 别这样 Please dont do that. 是谁啊 Whos that? 你看见我的杯子了吗 Have you seen my mug? 带向日葵的那个 The one with the sunflowers on it. 你上学要钱吗 Do you need money for school? 我要迟到了 Im gonna be late. 还是应该吃煎饼的 You shouldve gone for the pancakes. 这样她就满意了吗 And given her the satisfaction? 你从什么时候开始睡在沙发上的 So whend you start sleeping on the couch? 不是 我只是经常在看电视的时候睡过去 No, I just keep on passing out in front of the TV. 我说的不是那个 I mean, not that I blame you. 她做的东西真hearts;他hearts;妈hearts;糟糕 Pretty shitty thing, what she did. 少说这种话 Hey, hey. None of that. 怎么了 打架了吗 So, what, you getting into fights now? 一群混hearts;蛋hearts;罢了 They were being assholes. 这不是理由 Thats no excuse. 听着 Look... 我知道我和你妈之间的事 I know things between your mom and me-- 和这个无关 Has nothing to do with this. 那其他孩子怎么样了 So howd the other kid look? 另外两个孩子 The other two kids. 有一个哭了 One of them cried. 怎么了 Yeah? 是我 Hey, its me. 我没想这么早叫你 I didnt want to wake you earlier. 有煎饼在 There are pancakes-- 你打电hearts;话hearts;就为了这个吗 Is that why youre calling? 我其实也想聊聊天 Well, I also wanna talk. 我吃过了 回头见 I already ate. Ill see you later. 格雷格 Greg-- 你hearts;他hearts;妈hearts;在逗我吗 Are you fucking kidding me? 天啊 康纳 Jesus Christ, Connor. 哈珀医生 您九点预约的病人到了 Dr. Harper, your nine oclock is here. 贾斯汀·威特 十岁 Justin Whitter, 10 years old. 昨晚在诗人公园附近骑自行车时失踪 Went missing on a bike ride last night near Troubadour Park. 看公园的只找到了自行车 没找到人 Park ranger found the bike, no boy. 跟迈克尔·金一样啊 Just like Michael King? 不 我们不知道这两起事件之间的联hearts;系hearts; No, we dont know if the two are connected. 迈克尔·金在骑车 Michael King was abducted 去城里的小店的时候被绑hearts;架hearts;了 cycling to a corner store in the city. 贾斯汀·威特 本地人 家境优越 Justin Whitter, local boy. Good home, respected family. 在县界线附近失踪 He went missing on county lines, 但是今天早上九点起 but as of nine oclock this mor


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