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中文摘要 前 言编辑站长网() 编辑站长网() 酒店的办事质量研究意义重大,海内外的研究结果在此已形成了一定的体系,但研究工具根本未涉及经济型酒店,且资料收集要领单一。本文在公道确定经济型酒店办事质量评价体系的底子上,通过网络内容阐发法把大量网友客观真实的评价加以量化阐发,得到如下结论:主顾对经济型酒店的综合办事质量满意度较高,对客房、噪音、网络及吹风筒等因素存眷度高;客房的质量和隔音效果、网络预订和餐饮办事等有待提高;餐饮办事、网络等因素与酒店办事质量总评密切相关;东部都会经济型酒店综合办事质量优于中西部,但各地区酒店选址在主顾感知中差别不明显;商务旅行者更重视办事的便利性而休闲旅行者越发重视办事的舒适度。最后,比拟阐发的结果显示,经济型酒店办事质量评价明显优于高星级酒店。对此,笔者有针对性地提出了经济型酒店进行办事质量革新的具体发起,并对本文存在的局限性和后续可以深入的研究进行了讨论。 要害词:经济型酒店,办事质量,内容阐发法,评价 ABSTRACT Abstract: Research about service quality in hotel industry is significant. Although service quality in the hotel industry has been well researched, there is little comparative across economic hotels and the data collection method is simple. Establishing the reasonable service quality evaluation system of the economic hotels, analyzing the objective comments from quantities of web users though the Internet content analysis to quantitively, this study reaches the following conclusions: Customers have a high level satisfaction about the service quality in the economic hotel and are concerned about room status, noise, Internet and hair dryer; Compared with the other factors, the sound insulation of rooms and Internet reservation system as well as breakfast service need to be improved; Catering service and Internet assess are closely related with the total evaluation; Service quality provided in the east part of China is better than that in the west and middle . However, there is little difference among economic hotels referring to location in the perception of customers. Business Travelers value the efficiency of the hotel service while Leisure Travelers value the coziness. At last, the comparative analysis shows that service quality evaluation of economy hotels is superior higher than that of star-rated hotels. On the basis of that, the author puts forward suggestions to the improvement of economy hotel service quality pertinently and discusses the limitation and subsequent research on this study.



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