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大学英语四级翻译常考句型短语整理 大学英语四级翻译常考句型短语整理 大学英语四级翻译常考句型短语整理 education 教育 input in education 教育投入 communal participation 社会参加 enhance the moral awareness of 提升??的思想 道德 professional ethics 道德 credit system学分制 guarantee job assignments 包分派 multidisciplinary 多学科的 key university 要点大学 national expenditure on education 国家教育 account for ?% 占百分比 intercultural communication 国 文化沟通 equal stress on integrity and ability 德才兼 二、常用句型 1、 It 作先行主 和先行 的一些句型 She had said what it was necessary to say.  to become educated through independent study 自学成材 compulsory education 普及教育 preschool/elementary/secondary/higher/ education 学前 / 初等 / 中等 / 高等教育 adult education 成人教育 vocational and technical education 技 教育 institutions of higher learning 高等学校 inservice training course 在 修班 compulsory/optional course 必修 / 修 record of formal schooling 学 diploma 文凭, 学 明 2、 句型 It is not who rules us that is important , but how he rules us. 3、 All+ 抽象名 或 抽象名 +itself(very+ 形容 ) He was all gentleness to her. 4、利用 重复表示 A crime is a crime a crime. 5、 something(much)of 和 nothing(little)of something of 相当于 to some extent ,表示程 度。在疑 句或条件从句中, anything of ,可 有点 , 稍微等。 毫无 , 全无 。much of 大有 ,not much of 可 算不上 , 称不上 ,little of 可 几乎无 。something like 有点像,略似。 They say that he had no universty education , but he seems to be something of a scholar. 6、同格名 修 是指 of 前后的两个名 都指同一个人或物, of 以及它前面的名 构一个形容 短 ,以修 of 后边的那个名 。如 her old sharper of a father ,可 : 她那 子般的父 。 Those pigs of girls eat so much. 7、as?as?can(may)be It is as plain as plain can be. 8、 It is i n(with) ?as in(with) It is in life as in a journey. 9、as good as ? 相等于,就像,几乎如 ; 上,其 , 在。 The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy, that he would adopt him. 更好  10、many as well ?as 和might as well ?as many as well ?as 可 与其??,不如??, , 以 做?? 宜 , 仿佛??,也能够?? 等等。 might as well ?as 表示不行能的事,可 如同?? , 可与??一 荒诞 , 与其那 不如 的好 等等。 One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly. 11、to make ?of 的 法 ( 使??成 ??


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