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本人英文自我评价 Suddenly I came xx department for nearly a year. During the year, the successful completion of my department heads and colleagues in the care and help of all the work, has been further improved in terms of ideological consciousness, now the annual work mainly have the following summary: 1, professional knowledge, ability to work and concrete work. I XX xx October came to work as a battalion of eight. Eight business is different from other sectors, mainly catering mainly. As the saying goes: no big department stores, large department battalion working relatively trivial, but in order to do a good job of work, I do not bother to consult the leadership, learn from colleagues, practice their own way, in a very short period of time will be familiar with the departments workclear working procedures, directions, improve the ability to work in specific work in the formation of a clear thinking, able to work smoothly and skillfully successful completion of their work. In that year, I am in xx management concept put first things to do such a goal, pioneering and innovative spirit, and actively following the successful completion of their own work: 1 Assist department manager to supervise the employee attendance , staff training, staff entry registration and monthly star staff selection, etc., and the original is no specific sorting files by category collated into a good label affixed inside the folder, give you access to documents provide a great convenience. 2 do the holiday activities store layout, new construction management approach counters. In collaboration with various departments 3 between the participating companies, as reported to the planning department one week information, contact the Public Works department repair the damaged hardware, and paid a weekly broadcast is issued to the radio room, requisitioned items Administration Department, chief of security assistance to maintain order and other stores jobs. 3 actively participate in the c


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