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幽默趣味英语故事带翻译 幽默趣味英语故事1: There was a banker who attended a dinner party, and a friend said to him, Oh! I heard that your bank is looking for a cashier, and the banker said Yes, yes, we are, we are. And then the friend said, But I thought you just hired one a few weeks ago. So the banker replied, Yes, yes, indeed, we did. Thats the one were looking for now. So the friend said, Can you describe him? What does he look like? And the banker replied, Well, he is about five feet tall and were about one hundred thousand dollars short. 晚宴上,有位银行家坐在那儿,他的朋友问他:“我听说你们银行在找一位出纳,是吗?”银行家回答:“是的,我们是在找。”朋友说:“不过你们几个礼拜以前不是已经请到一个人了吗?” 银行家说:“我们确实是雇用了一个人,而我们现在就是在找这个人。” 那个友人说:“你说说看他长什么样子?”银行家回答:“他是五尺无耻之士,身长藏十万。” 幽默趣味英语故事2: A man called a lawyer and asked, “How much would you charge me to answer three questions?” The lawyer said, “$400 dollars!” And the man said, “That’s a lot of money, isn’t it?” The lawyer said, “I guess so. What’s your third question?” 有个人打电话给律师,问道:“你回答三个问题的收费是多少钱?」律师回答说:「四百美元。” 这个人说:“这要不少钱,不是吗?” 律师回答说:“我想是吧!你的第三个问题是什么?” 幽默趣味英语故事3: There was a farmer who fell and broke his hip while he was plowing耕地 , and his horse immediately galloped疾驰,飞奔 five miles to the nearest town and returned, carrying a doctor on his back. That’s a pretty smart horse, the farmer’s friend later observed. Well, he’s not really so smart, the farmer said. The doctor he brought back was a veterinarian! 一位农夫在犁田时,不慎跌倒摔伤了屁股,他的马立即飞奔到五哩外最近的小镇,载了一位医生回来。一个朋友看到后便夸赞说:“你这匹马真是聪明!” 农夫说:“也没有你想的那么聪明啦!它带来的是一位兽医!” 幽默趣味英语故事4: Proctor exceedingly angry:So you confess that this unfortunate freshman was carried to this frog pond and drenched? Now what part did you take in this disgraceful affair? Sophomore meekly:The right leg, sir. 学监非常生气:“现在你承认这可怜的新生被扔进这蛙池里,浑身湿透?那么你在这不光彩的事情里扮演了什么角色呢?” 二年级学生恭顺地:“右腿,先生。” 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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