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教学设计 一、教学背景 1、面向学生: eq \o\ac(□,√)中学 学科:英语 2、课时:1课时 二、教学目标: 1.语言知识目标: 1) 词汇:Singapore, thousands of, Southeast Asia,safe,on the one hand...on the other hand..., simply, fear, whether...or..., Indian, Western, Japanese, Night Safari,fox,all year round, equator, whenever, spring 2) 语法: 继续巩固含有have/has been 的现在完成时态。 2.语言技能目标:  1)听:听懂课本中的短文,并能完成相关题目。 2)说:能够用重点句型来描述新加坡或自己熟悉的地方。 3) 读:能够读懂短文,并能从中获取信息。 4)写:能够准确拼写及书写所学内容。 3. 情感态度目标: 了解新加坡的文化,激发学习英语的热情。 三、教材分析 本课时为阅读课.向我们展示了东南亚的一个漂亮岛国—新加坡,通过前置作业,课堂学习和课后练习等一系列的活动,让学生更加热爱美好生活,热爱大自然,由此想到有些地方污染严重,倡导学生们节能减排,保护环境。 四、学情分析 初三的学生具备一定的词汇量,能简单的用英语进行表达,但是部分同学学习积极性有待进一步提高,需要教师的不断引导。教师可借助音频,视频,图片等辅助教学,激发学生的学习兴趣和学习积极性。 五、教学方法 运用Task-based language teaching, communicative language teaching等教学方法,开展小组合作学习,展示交流,练习巩固。利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件展开课堂Group work的口语交际活动,提高课堂学生学习效率。 六、教学过程 Step 1 Warming up Lead in Introduce myself to the students.(guide) T:Do you like to travel? Step 2 Groupwork(2a)——on the plane(Pre-reading) What do you know or want to know about Singapore? Step 3 The First Impression(Fast reading) Pay attention to the new words and phrases. Answer: What aspects of Singapore are mentioned? Listen and follow it. Step 4 Travel in Singapore(Careful reading) 1.National Museum(Paragraph 1) Answer: (1) Do most people in Singapore only speak English? (2)What languages can we speak in Singapore? (3)Why can we speak Chinese in Singapore? 2.Restaurant(paragraph 2) ( )(1)How many kinds of food can we eat in Singapore? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ( )(2)You won’t have any problem ______ rice, noodles or dumplings. A. get B. got C. getting D. to get 3.Night Safari(paragraph 3) Fill in blanks. (1) Singapore has a special zoo called _______________. (2) A lot of animals ________ at night, so this is___________ ___________to watch them. (3) At the zoo, you can watch lions, tigers, and foxes in a __________________________than a normal



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