山西省太谷县明星中学八年级英语下册教学课件:Section B.ppt

山西省太谷县明星中学八年级英语下册教学课件:Section B.ppt

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Boy :What a day I had! Girl :Tell me about it, John. Boy :Well, while I was walking to school I saw a cat in a tree. It was really scared. Girl :What did you do? Boy: I climbed the tree. Girl: And you got the cat. Boy: Nope. While I was climbing the tree, a man saw me. It was his tree and he shouted at me. So I stopped climbing. Girl: What about the cat? Boy: It wanted to jump down. But it was too scared. Girl: Then what happened? Boy: Then the man called the police. And while he was calling the police, a woman called the newspaper. Girl: What did you do? Boy :Well, ______I was walking to school I saw a cat ____ a tree. It was really______. Girl :What did you do? Boy: Nope. While I ____ ______ the tree, a man saw me. It was his tree and he ______ at me. So I stopped climbing. Girl: Then what________ ? Boy: Then the man called the police. And while he was calling the police, a woman _____ the newspaper. zxxk Boy: And then the police officer and the newspaper reporter arrived. Boy: Yes, but _______ he was taking the photo, the cat went up the tree again. 选择合适的词 1. The boy was ______ (scare, scared) when he saw the alien. 2. Lucy, please ________ (get out, get out of) the shower quickly. I want to use it. 3. _____ (Because, While) I was walking down the street, I saw a stranger. 4. —What’ s up? —Did you see the UFO? When it ______ (landed, was landing), I was in the barber’ s shop. 5. What was the robot doing ____ (while, when) the fire started? 1.What did Linda and the dog do last Saturday? 2.What happened to the dog ? 3.Who found Linda’s dog? They went to New York City last Saturday. The dog ran away and didn’t come back. A police officer’s dog found it. 1.Linda went to New York City with her cat . 2. The dog got out of the box and ran away . 3.Linda shouted the dogs name and the dog came back. 4. A little boy saw a big black dog. 5.Davy was jumping and running with the boys dog. F F F T T dog didn’t come back a pol



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