英语:八下Module 2 Experiences Unit 3课件 外研版.ppt

英语:八下Module 2 Experiences Unit 3课件 外研版.ppt

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Call today to find out more! Then we will send a gift box from you to your family or friend. A tree is also something special for a festival or a new baby. Have you ever been to a forest? Grow a tree near you! 8. Complete the passage with the sentences in the box. There is one extra sentence. Grow a forest! (1)_____ Have you ever wanted to save the trees in the forest? Do you love nature and want to keep forests safe? Now you can! Buy a tree – it is the perfect birthday or wedding present for someone in your family or for a friend. (2)____ Your tree will help our world and will last longer than toys, clothes or computers. d c The world needs more trees — buy one today, watch it grow bigger and feel proud! The Grow-a-Forest gift is part of an exciting plan to make our world greener, and every gift helps to protect our world. It is easy! Buy a Grow-a-Forest gift today and choose your forest and your tree. We will take it and put it in the earth for you. (3)____ b In your gift box there will be: a map of the forest a photo of your tree a pair of Grow-a-Forest gloves a card with your message to your family or friend (4)____ e 珠穆朗玛峰海拔8844.43米,为世界第一高峰,是一条近似东西向的弧形山系,位于喜马拉雅山中段、中尼边界上和西藏日喀则地区定日县正南方。山体呈巨型金字塔状,有巨大冰川,最长达26公里。峰顶的最低气温常年在零下34℃。山下有世界上最高的寺院绒布寺。 新西兰登山运动员埃德蒙·希拉里以及他的尼泊尔舍巴人向导丹增·诺盖于1953年5月29日上午11点到达海拔29000多英尺的珠峰之顶,成为首次征服世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰的人。1960年5月25日和1975年5月27日中国登山队先后从北坡登上峰顶。中国科学院曾多次组织大规模的综合科学考察,获得重要的科学资料。 1. Tenzing Norgay was from New Zealand. 2. Edmund Hillary came from Nepal. 3. Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary reached the top of Mount Qomolangma on 29th May, 1953. 4. Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary stayed on the summit for an hour, then they came down. Writing a questionnaire about experiences Transport:______________________________ Book:__________________________________ Country:_______________________________ Food:__________________________________ Sport:__________________________________ Film:___________________________________ Have


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