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初中英语常考作文。 1、 My Home Town 我的家乡 请你根据下面的提纲,以“我的家乡”为题,写一篇 100— 120 字的短文。 提纲: (1) 家乡的地理位置; (2) 解放前的情况; (3) 解放后的变化; (4) 对家乡的感情。 范文: My Home Town My home town is a beautiful place. It stands beside a wide river and is rich in fish and rice. But in the old days ,it was a poor and backward little town. Many people had no work. They lived a hard life. In 1949, my hometown was liberated. Since then, great changes have taken place there. The streets have been widened. Factories, schools, hospitals, cinemas and theatres have sprung up one after another. The life of the people is greatly improved. I love my hometown. All the more, I love its people. They are working hard so as to make it still richer and more beautiful. 2、 假如你是新华中学的学生,名叫 MIKE 。去年 6 月 1 日我国已经禁止使用塑料袋,你对 此有何看法和什么好的建议 ? 范文: I ’m Mike. I am a student in Huaxing Middle School. Do you know the plastic bags? Do you often use the plastic bags? I don ’t like them. I think they use the wasting valuable oil their production. And they can ’t decompose(分解 ) in a short time. The plastic bags will make our world worse. I agree with the rule , which people can ’t get the free plastic bags in the shops, supermarkets. It encourages people to use their cloth bags and baskets. It ’s good for our environment. So I hope all the students in our class stop to use the plastic bags , and use our own cloth bags. I hope we can take care of our environment. Let ’s make our world more and more beautiful. 3、 你最喜欢的人,可以是名人; 是你的家人;老师,同学, 朋友 等。请以 The person I like Best 为题写一篇 80 个词左右的短文。 范文: The Person I Like Best I have many friends. But I like Li Lei best. He is a good student. He helps others, he likes reading books, he knows many things, he is very helpfu


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