银行保函(Bank Guarantee)履约保函(Performance Guarantee)履约担保.docx

银行保函(Bank Guarantee)履约保函(Performance Guarantee)履约担保.docx

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银行保函(Bank Guarantee)履约保函(Performance Guarantee)履约担保 银行保函〔Bank Guarantee〕履约保函〔Performance Guarantee〕履约担保〔Performance Bond〕 2007年10月15日星期一09:32 A performance bond is a surety bond issued by an insurance company to guarantee satisfactory completion of a project by a contractor. For example, a contractor may cause a performance bond to be issued in favor of a client for whom the contractor is constructing a building. If the contractor fails to construct the building according to the specifications laid out by the contract (most often due to the bankruptcy of the contractor), the client is guaranteed compensation for any monetary loss up to the amount of the performance bond. Performance bonds are commonly used in the development of real property, where an owner or investor may require the developer to assure that contractors or project managers procure such bonds in order to guarantee that the value of the work will not be lost in the case of an unfortunate event (such as insolvency of the contractor). The term is also used to denote a collateral deposit intended to secure a Futures contract, commonly known as margin. Performance bonds have been around since 2,750 BC and more recently, the Romans developed laws of surety around 150 AD the principles of which, still exist. http://.doczj/doc/54e34e150b4e767f5acfceb7.html /wiki/Performance_bond 履约保证是承包商向业主提出的保证仔细履行合同的一种经济担保,一般有两种形式,即银行保函〔Bank Guarantee〕或叫履约保函〔Performance Guarantee〕,以及履约担保〔Performance Bond〕。世界银行贷款工程一般规定,履约保函金额为合同总价的10%,履约担保金额为合同总价的30%以上。 保函或担保中的“保证金额〞由保证人依据投标书附录中规定的合同价百分数折 成金额填写,采纳合同中的货币或业主可承受的自由兑换货币表示。 采纳何种履约保证形式,各国际组织和各国的习惯不同。美洲习惯采纳履约担保,欧洲那么采纳银行保函。只有世界银行贷款工程列入了上述两种保证形式,一般由业主自有选择采纳任一种形式。亚洲开发银行那么规定只能用银行保函。在编制国际工程的招标文件时应留意这一背景。 1.银行履约保函 银行履约保函又分为两种形式:一种是无条件〔Unconditional或on Demand〕银行保函;另一种是有条件〔Conditional〕银行保函。 对于无条件银行保函,银行见票即付,不许业主供应任何证据。业主在任何时候提出声明,认为承包商违约,而且提出的索赔日期和金额在保函有效期的限额之内,银行即无条件履行保证,进展支付,承包商不能要求银行止付。当然业主也要担当由此行动引起的争端、仲裁或法律程序裁决的法律后果。对银行而言,他们情愿担当这种保函,既不担当风险,又不卷入合同双方的争端。 有条件的银行保函即银行在支付之前,业主必需提出理由,指出承包


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